“Another wonderful photo!”

Thanks to Seka’s  posting I looked at the new photos of the sweater, blouse and faux suede skirt. While the sweater and blouse are passable photos….the skirt photo is not! I don’t know this model, but I can tell you she is NOT A SIZE 4, which is the size they usually photograph. It looks to me like they should have gone up a size or put it on the model who did the sweater and skirt. I would advise you to check the waist and hip measurements given before ordering. This model definitely needed the next size up. The skirt should not fit the way it fits this model. It should be easier at the waist, hip and buttock……All said it’s a beautiful skirt………………….enjoy…………………..much Love…………………….Louis

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Carolyn Muse

    Dear Louis, thank you for this beautiful fall collections. I have received the whisper knits in the plum and bisque and they are all so elegant. I got the riding jacket and pleated blouse in black, gorgeous! I am waiting on the slim skirt and white blouse and I know they will be perfect. Thank you for giving us a description on the suede skirt. I was just sitting here trying to decide on which size to get based on what I saw on what the Q’s photos were showing. I switched over to your website to get a better outlook. Thank you for taking time to give us a better understanding. I think I can go ahead and order now. Thank you, thank you for all that you do for us.

  2. Karen in WA

    Is the navy WK and skirt, your navy? To me the pictures make it look lighter.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Karen….photos can be very deceiving…..know when ever I say NAVY it is the Linea navy….of course different fabrics will take dyes differently and each fabric has to have it’s own formula of chemicals created, but we do try to keep them as close as possible….at least blend. The faux suede is a difficult fabric to dye…so they aren’t exact matches, but they do blend well.

  3. Seka

    Louis! I was hoping that would be the case – the Blouse and Plaid Jacket designed to go together! I’m getting the ‘Pine’ versions!
    Based on your verbal description – I know I’m going to love the Jacket!
    Thank you.

  4. Sheesh

    Louis, the Q description of the skirt says it has a zipper in the back, not pull on! Sheila

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Shelia….they are WRONG! There is no zipper going through the back elastic……They also say the new blouse has a “smoke” shoulder instead of a “SMOCK” shoulder detail!

  5. Anonymous

    Louis, I could actually buy your items based on your verbal descriptions alone – the way you describe an item – style/construction, fabric/knit, colours is so precise and detailed, I can visualize the item.

    Am loving the colours of this grouping – am curious to see if you are coordinating the Floral Blouses with the Plaid Jackets – as the colours seem to ‘match’.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Seka, the blouses and jackets were designed to go together. For me it is the perfect MIX OF FABRICS….it’s a very “designer” look that you can only get with LINEA!!!

  6. Louise Jazz



  7. Ginny

    Hi Louis, is it safe to assume the new blouse in the pine floral print will work with all of the new plum pieces?
    Thanks! Ginny

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Beautifully….they are not a match, but a beautiful compliment. It looks like you were “playing” in your closet and put them together.

  8. Claudine

    Louis , Will you be posting better photos of your new items so we can get a better idea of mixing and matching ?
    I did already place an order for the new floral print blouses now anxiously awaiting the new plaid blazers to see what they look like.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Yes Claudine….I’m feverishly working on them….LOL

  9. Somersault

    Oh, Louis, it breaks my heart that QVC’s photos are so horrid! Never do they do your designs justice but the photo of the faux suede skirt takes the cake! We are ever so grateful to you for posting all your sneak peaks and videos. Most of us purchase your designs based on your photos, videos and descriptions. It makes no sense to me that a company as large as QVC with a tremendous inventory of apparel would not employ a professional photographer to showcase their merchandise in it’s best light! Your Fall Colletion is shaping up to be STUNNING!……Cat

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Cat….what can one say. On line shopping has become the main stay of EVERYONE’S business especially for the past 6 months. As you say one would think any retailer would make it a priority to produce the best photo of the merchandise to induce shoppers to buy. I can only assume not everyone has this philosophy.This pull-on suede skirt has a full elastic in the back and the front sides so it is easy to get on and off….with a stretch lining? There is no reason the skirt should look the way it does on that model unless she is in the wrong size!

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