“Views through my windows”










………………….I do love a good snow fall. Jac and I waited each winter with great anticipation for the next BIG SNOW FALL. Jac couldn’t wait to get her snow gear on and go outside. I wasn’t always as eager, but out I went, and was always glad I did. With this snow fall I wasn’t as eager to go out in the bitter cold temperatures, so I just took pictures from the windows of my house. The snow drifts, and the sun shining on the water is so beautiful…….With this cold weather maybe it will last, if we are lucky, until Christmas!

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Sylvia

    No snow for us in Mississippi ;-( Snow is a rare occasion for us. My husband is getting chemotherapy for colon cancer. His medicine makes him sensitive to cold. ( like he gets an “electric shock sensation” when he touches or drinks something cold). And it has been cold (for us) this week. Ours is a wet cold. But I always wanted a “white Christmas”. I have been off this week, baking and wrapping presents. I made 2 kinds of biscotti, some butter cookies, date balls, and cranberry pinwheel cookies. Tomorrow I’ll be back at work. It went by fast! Love your snow pictures, Louis! Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Barbara in Virginia

    Hi, Louis! It looks like you got about the amount of snow that was predicted for us here. But alas! We got some snow and then a frozen mess then some snow on top of it, increasing the frozen mess. The frozen mess is still on the ground here. Our neighbors were wonderful about digging our car out and clearing our front walk as Ray really can’t be doing those things. We never ask them, they just do it. I am one of those crazy people who loves to horseback ride in very cold weather. The horses are always enthusiastic about going for a ride, there are no pesky flies, and the winter has a special beauty. I have winter knee high riding boots, Thinsulate lined gloves and jackets, and a cover I put on my riding helmet to keep the cold out. Also ear covers. The only part of me that ever gets cold are my knees, which of course are facing forward, and for which I haven’t found a solution. Once I get riding and actually warm up, I often have to unzip my jacket! But spiking Covid here keeps the barns closed. Dommage…..But the horses love playing in the snow.

  3. Karen in WI

    Such a lovely winter scene with the sun shining brightly, making the water shimmer and the snow glitter! We haven’t had much snow at all this year, but do have a bit on the ground so it feels Christmasy. I have a hard time getting out for my walk when it first gets really cold, but then I just get used to bundling up correctly and then I too am so glad I went out! The boys are ready to ski and snowboard on a nearby hill and I will join them a few times on nicer days. Tomorrow we are making more chocolates and I think I will make my gingerbread cookie dough to make cookies next week. Are you baking anything for the holidays? Hugs to you this evening!

      1. Donna from California

        Dearest Louis,
        Forgive me for asking, but I care … how are you doing? QVC’s decision was a blow to all of us, I can only imagine how you are feeling. You have lifted our spirits a million and one ways over the years. Is there anything we can do for you? If you want to talk, we are here for you.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Dear Donna, thank you for asking. I’m doing fine. If anything I just have cabin fever! With the freezing temperatures and staying away from people due to Covid, I’m feeling quite isolated. I find myself watching a lot of TV for the company, NEVER thought I’d ever say that but it’s true. Love Netflix, and Amazon. I’m also on the phone a lot more than I every used to be. As for QVC, I will certainly miss the designing but not the company. It’s a different company than it was 20 years ago. I think they need to come up with a new Mission Statement because their old one doesn’t ring true anymore. It’s sad to say, after 20 years, but other than the models there is no one there that I miss.

          1. Donna from California

            Hi Louis,
            I certainly understand the feelings of isolation and the TV watching. I live alone too. Although I love to read, I’ve probably done less of it during Covid – though I don’t understand why. I’m relieved to hear that you are doing fine. When you said you didn’t have the ambition to bake, I worried that you were getting depressed. I have been baking more, and the change in my waistline proves it!!!!! I have noticed the changes in QVC over the years, specifically the decline in quality and customer service. I can imagine that it must have been frustrating working under those conditions. Though I dislike change, change in life is certain and we must adapt. Thanks for answering!

            1. Louis Dell'Olio

              Dear Donna….if I baked before than it might not seem so much of a daunting task right now…..Kate brought me a ton of her cookies which I just finished…..now I’m working on Chantal’s Carrot cake….OMG….I don’t need to bake. I really need a baking partner to make it easier. I always helped Jac, but she did 90% of it.

          2. Eve

            Today they take reality stars and sell their clothes and call it designs. That must be very frustrating to real designers like you. One in particular on qvc is absolutely making me want to boycott qvc. Maybe your blog can become a book.

      2. Karen in WI

        I sometimes wish we all lived in the same neighborhood as I would bring you some fresh cookies right over! Well, this beautiful, little online neighborhood will have to do. For some reason, that thought makes me want to go caroling as people used to do. I really do think I should have been born a few decades earlier. Love and hugs to you! Off for a walk.

  4. designista

    Your world is beautiful and serene. What are all of the small poles for in the yard?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear designista……years ago we used to have a terrible geese problem landing on the lawn, and the droppings were horrible. Jac was talking with a man who owned a nursery and he suggested placing wooden steaks on the lawn and criss crossing string from stick to stick to break their landing pattern and their habit. Sure enough it worked, and every fall we put up the wooden steaks and string and no more geese!

  5. Melissa W

    Beautiful pics! I will enjoy the view through you from Sunny Florida. 😊

  6. Cathy Morton

    Oops! Forgot to add my name.

  7. Grace

    Just beautiful, Louis! I know exactly what you mean when you say you hate to go out in the snow, but always glad you did! Getting all the winter gear on reminds me of the same hassle involved in skiing, along with schlepping the skiis/poles to the mountain, but once there, it’s glorious and totally worth it! We had two snowstorms pass through Colorado last week leaving about a foot in total. We’re also hoping the temps stay cold, so we have snow on the ground for the holiday. Hoping the same for you! Enjoy those beautiful views…

  8. Cathy Morton

    Lovely view and photos! We here in north central Pa got almost 30 inches! Some of the neighboring villages got 36. Enjoy the beauty!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      WOW Cathy, we got 8 inches, which we thought was a lot, but the wind was so strong there was a lot of drifting which makes it look like more….but…..30 to 36 inches is a WOW. You will definitely have a white Christmas! Where exactly are you???

      1. Anonymous

        We are in Clinton County, a rural area of north central PA. We are surrounded by mountains, about an hour from Williamsport, home of Little League Baseball. Penn State is also about and hour away. We spent yesterday and the day before shoveling and snow blowing! It’s been a long time since we got that much snow. I remember getting a lot like that when I was young, but it’s been a long time since we got that much at once. We used to love to go sled riding in it. It’s beautiful but not as much fun now!

        1. Cathy Morton

          Oops! I did it again! I didn’t reply to the correct message.

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