…………………Feb 04 was the start of a new year…….a new Spring collection………Starting at the top left the now very popular linen/rayon blend. It satisfied all linen lovers, but also the rayon kept it from wrinkling so much which made it much more acceptable…….Also, the natural fabric lovers loved it. I called this the “Tree Of Life” emb. because between the paisley of the border , and above the border itself there were very primitive naive tree designs……..Next is a cotton/acrylic sweater with different size and color flat back faceted jewels hand embroidered. It came in two colors….. white with multi color jewels, and black with the same jewels colors. These were really fun elaborate spring/summer sweaters that couldn’t be duplicated today for anything less than triple the price……a true collectors item……..next was a cotton/acrylic long cardigan with contrast color bandings. It came in the ivory with the multi colors and navy with the multi colors. The jewel neck short sleeve sweater below was the coordinate and a fun separate sweater……..next on the top row was a Silk crepe de Chine shirt with two separate prints joined together and trimmed in white cotton. It was ordered in a blue and white and espresso/white as shown above………The cotton sateen jacket came back in thee navy/white and the espresso/white. This is the CORRECT sketch with the collar on the jacket. Below the sketch are the actual emb. applique swatches I received for approval……….On the bottom row it the extreme left is a sketch of “THE FIJI SILK WORK SHIRT” which was now reordered for the first time……….you will see how many of these pieces were coordinate with what was to follow………and that was the start of spring 04.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Cela

    So the Aqua and the Spring green were the color story for Spring 04. And there were tanks in these colors. The mixed media jacket in the upper right is gorgeous
    with its oriental flare, how beautiful with one of the spring tanks underneath? Did QVC actually agree to
    these gorgeous couture runway looks? Louis, would you think about putting some of your spring 21 samples
    In your Facebook show so we can get an idea what we
    can try to put together for spring? What are we going to do without you?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Cela….I don’t have the samples….just the sketches.

      1. Anonymous

        I guess I’m still in denial. I happened to see Bob Mackie the other day and couldn’t resist picking up his sequin jacket to go with your beautiful sequin pants. It looked so nice on Leah. I feel like a traitor, though. Cela.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          It’s OK, Bob’s a friend…….Are his sequins the same size?

  2. Anonymous

    Beautiful! Love these! 🙂

  3. Sallie

    Louis, I still have and WEAR the gorgeous blouse/jacket/tunic (shown in the upper left hand corner) every summer. I liked it SO much that I bought it in black, taupe(?) and off-white. Needless to say, your designs are timeless…which is much appreciated. I’m enjoying this nostalgic look back very much. Thanks.

  4. Cela

    One of each please 😀

  5. Clarika

    This was incredible, the amount of detail and thought that you put into each garment and the group as a whole! You are very talented Mr Dell Olio. This whole grouping would make me happy, but the lace/embroidery makes for very special pieces.
    Thank you for sharing.

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