The A214114, Baby Cheetah Print Top, has arrived and is ready for purchasing……. if you haven’t already. I haveĀ  introduced two new colors this year………OLIVE………&……CHILI PEPPER………………..now I am bringing you another new color……………SMOKY GREY……………For those of you who ask ….”is grey really a spring color”…………just take a look at the E.F. catalog. There is more to the spring palletĀ  than bright and pastel colors. For me, there is nothing more chic than BLACK, GREY and WHITE……….the white to give the black and grey contrast and EDGE….BLACK and or SILVER are the perfect accessories!……………Returning are the ………………PERFECTLY PINK……….&………….BLUE………….The Blue with my new INDIGO DENIM SKIRT and my new WHITE JEAN JACKET…..were made for each other………..you simply can’t go wrong. The PERFECTLY PINK top takes on two different characters just by changing a BLACK BOHO with a PERFECTLY PINK BOHO. Two great summer looks….one for office….one for play……………scroll down for the other returning color………..all beautiful………………….

……………………………………………………………….Enjoy……………much Love………………………Louis

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sheesh

    OK, here I am, still in the real Animal Print Heaven (SA)—and, of course, I am buying the new Grey Cheetah print top. I have all the other colors—Natural, Perfectly Pink, Blue, Olive and Chili Pepper—this is my signature top–I just can’t help myself!

    Are you bringing the matching Animal Print Safari Blazer A214115 back in any new colors? Thanks.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      No….they reordered the leopard one instead.

      1. Sheesh

        Hi, Louis. The Animal Print lined blazer (A201016) already comes in 6 colors (I have three–White, Lavender and Turquoise). What new color will it becoming in, if any? Can you tell us, or is that “verboten” at this time? Now that I am looking at it again, I may have to spring for the Yellow as I feel it calling my name. Looks like stock is good now, too.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          I’ll tell you anything…LOL,,,,,,,,the new color is grey with black markings…..needless to say it looks great with black and white, but it also looks wonderful with a fun color under it. It is similar to the new baby cheetah top, but not a match…..I tried to have them match even thought they are different patterns, but because of the different yarn content [one being poly and the other cotton] they just could not do it.

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