A201016, the reorder LEOPARD PRINT COTTON SATEENĀ  jacket photos continue above. We often talk about having your clothes “work” for you….what does that actually mean? For me, it’s the ability to wear clothes from oneĀ  year to another, mixing and matching with new things you buy….giving the older pieces an extended and FRESH life. The best example of that is the photo of the SAGE Leopard print jacket. I have layered it with the SAGE crinkle georgette safari shirt, but instead of using the “matching” tank that came with it……to mix it up a bit….I used the new PALE OLIVE FLECKED TANK, A224278, which picks up, though subtly, the black in the print. I love the play of one fabric against the other…..mixing the textures and patterns. It’s a true designer way of putting things together. All of these pieces were from different shows and years, but I have colored them to coordinate with the things you already own………..I believe it was Sharon who asked what will I have to coordinate with the new WK FIESTA colors. I believe my answer was…..mix them with every solid you own, but in this case the BLACK/WHITE Leopard will easily take on ANY of the new WK colors you choose…………..LIME, NECTARINE, AQUA and the HOT PINK ….pictured above, ALL WORK BEAUTIFULLY! It’s a totally different look from the sage jacket…….and both make a strong statement about the woman wearing these two outfits……thiswomanknowshowtodress……….it’s as simple as that!

……..scroll down for more colors………………………………..enjoy………………..much Love………………………..Louis