……………………….April 09 was a very large group of clothes and they were in shown in different shows during the month. The sketches above are a representation of what was to come in the month.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mary

    Who wouldn’t want to be wearing these beautiful, colorful pieces!! People are getting vaccinated and starting to get out some and are wanting to get dressed up and be out enjoying life and people again. I think the beautiful, colorful clothes will be very much “in” again—and the casual colorless sweats etc will be “out” again. At least we have your beautiful, colorful pieces, Louis, and will be enjoying!

  2. Smita

    Dear Louis,
    Thank you for sharing your memories with us. Above sketches look so colorful and beautiful. Clothes from your collections help brighten any given day. Thanks again.

  3. Irene

    Dear Louis,
    So many lovely pieces !
    Just what we need now in these delightful colors.
    Thanks for your optimism and beautiful posts !

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