Well now I have the final word. My manufacturer notified me that the jacket is indeed being delivered to QVC in black, and my buyer confirmed it. She doesn’t know why the wait list orders were canceled, and suggested, to call and put it on wait list again. Sorry for the upset, but There is nothing I can do to prevent these occurrences.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Cathy in PA

    Thank You for looking into this, dear Louis. I have not had any success with restoring waitlists either. I do hope we are able to order this Black jacket closer to air time; I’m not optimistic, but will watch diligently …

    Thanks again, Cathy in PA

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Since the jacket is going to be on the May show and has not been delivered yet, therefore isn’t in the system anymore… will have to wait a while for it to show up……probably closer to the show date. It really shouldn’t have been posted and then taken down. My buyer, like us, has no idea why that was done. It’s not her department so she really respond to why.

      1. Cathy in PA

        I think it’s an automatic function of Q’s computer system to put these garments live for a few days when they’re entered in preparation for the upcoming seasons, as often they’re only up for a few hours or days.

        I’m SURE it will be worth waiting for, and I’ll try to be both patient and fierce about watching for its’ return 🙂

        Thanks for looking into this, and your reassurance and PATIENCE with us … Cathy in PA

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          The lacr jackets are for the May show….so don’t drive yourselves crazy looking every day…..I’ll give you a heads up.

          1. Cathy in PA

            Okay, we”ll TRY … thanks again!

            Cathy in PA

  2. Amy (aka Lacylass)

    I am SO happy it is still coming and do not mind at ALL looking for it every day until it reappears to order in the BLACK!!! thank you Louis for honoring my request for BLACK 🙂

  3. Chris/Jazzmom

    I just got off the phone with C/S and the person told me that a waitlisted item cannot be reinstated. When we see the item on the webpage, the black is not showing up to be able to waitlist so we all have to wait until QVC decides to add the new black to that particular webpage again!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Well, it isn’t due for a while……so we just have to be patient.

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