…………………….Finally, the call came and we went to pick up the girls. The doctor said the girls didn’t have any bites on them…only some minor scratches, but there was a lot of blood on them, probably from the ground hog….it was two against one! She gave them both rabies booster shots and said to bath them……So….when we got home Chantal said do not put them down with all of that ground hog blood on them for fear of contamination, and that we should bring them right to the tub….which we did. Chantal volunteered to bath them. I gave her medicated soap that I give to the groomer….so that’s what she used plus some Johnson and Johnson Baby shampoo , no tears, for their little faces!!!!I stood and watched as Chantal bent over the tub to wash them….Angela was in charge of photo taking. The girls were angels and enjoyed their tub, but the water was as red as the Nile! The ordeal was OVER! Now it was time for them to rest in their beds in the kitchen……We three went out to the wood bin to see if the ground hog was still there…maybe dead from its’ wounds, but thankfully it was gone……Now it was adult time….to start the partee where we left off earlier in the day! Angela had her “show and tell” and went though every piece of clothing they packed away….This lasted until the wee hours of the morning…..We finally went up to bed at 1:45am!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Cela

    The ordeals you’re dogs can put you through!
    My Chow once got under the foundation of the house
    one time and all we could hear was a muffled little
    bark. They nearly kill you with grief! They don’t
    Understand danger???!!!

  2. Carol

    What an ordeal! It’s so good Angela and Chantal were there to help break up the fight…can you even imagine a dog in each hand! On a happier note, I want to come to your house for dinner…wine, snacks and cake. My dream menu. What fun you must have had going through the clothes. I just had all my Linea out this week (I didn’t do it in a Marie Kondo kinda way tho!) and it was such a trip down memory lane. After seeing all your retrospectives, I’m actually impressed with the collection I’ve curated over the years. I have to get rid of a few things every season to make room for the new, but the decisions are getting harder. I have the stone suede jacket Chantal is wearing. Glad to see it can be worn for furniture moving. LOL. Angela and Chantal are complete sweethearts. I’m happy Sam and Lilly emerged victorious and relatively unharmed.

  3. April

    Never mess with a Scottie. OR let Angela take your photo while you’re bent over a tub washing a dog, lol.

    1. Anonymous

      no kidding. flattering shot

  4. Deirdre

    Wow, Louis, this is quite the tale! Glad your girls got the better of the evil ground hog. Bravo to Chantal for performing bathing duty. All’s well that ends well.


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