…………………Weds. morning we all got up….showered….not together!…..and got ready to go out for breakfast. That’s a pic of my strawberry cake….yummy!…..We missed dinner so breakfast was a must have. We drove to Darien and had breakfast at the “Sugar Bowl”, a favorite little dinner type restaurant…..After breakfast we went back to the house and packed up the car…..it was stuffed with furniture, clothes and sweaters. I even told them to take rolling racks I had in the storage room that were now empty, but they could only fit one……next time!…………………..Off they merrily went in their truck, and I went straight to my reclining chair and took a needed nap!…………….THE END

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Cathy in PA

    Well that was certainly an exciting evening; so glad the dogs are all okay. Our daughter’s little rescued terrier is determined to do in her resident groundhog. She actually caught the groundhog last summer; both went rolling across the lawn. Fortunately for all, the groundhog got to its feet first, and escaped under the garage. So nice of you to gift the ladies with those clothing treasures; what fun. Any chance we could get the recipe for that cornmeal cake, it looks delicious!? Walter sends greetings 🙂

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I will definitely post the recipe….It was in a very recent magazine.

  2. Cela

    Oh Louis,
    I know you were about to faint, seeing your babies
    Defending their turf! I had two dogs at one time—
    A Rhodesian ridgeback and a Chow—both very
    Aggressive breeds. They would get into it over ANYTHING. You know how I’d stop them? Get a
    Bucket of cold water and dump it on them both. They never knew what hit them. So if you ever want to
    Stop a fight, any fight , it works every time! 😀

  3. Anonymous

    This is how retirement should be Day to day adventures. So happy the babies won the battle.
    Just discovered this blog this morning and it made me chuckle. I need to make the jump into retirement so life does not pass me by.

  4. Karen in WI

    Oh those girls of yours, getting into trouble! Glad they are ok and Chantal gave them a nice bath. Angela is full of mischief herself with the pictures of Chantal’s busy bathing them…too funny! It sounds like your evening was full of fun and memories! The girls are so lucky to get your samples, such treasures they are!

    Spring is here and I bought a TON of new plants. Now to figure out where they all go and get to work. I wore Jac’s garden shirt in ivory the other day while I was flower shopping. I told my husband that I have a necklace to match and needed to find it. He looked at the shirt and asked what kind of necklace would go with it, with a perplexed look. Well, the colorful Jac’s garden necklace of course! Love and hugs to you!

  5. Anonymous

    Great story, Louis! I am so glad it all worked out for your precious pups. Wow!
    Loved seeing you with Angela & Chantal. Good friends forever!
    I know they enjoyed seeing your warehouse of beautiful clothes.
    Thank you for posting this!
    Happy thoughts from Houston. 🙂
    PS. You are really, really missed! God bless.

  6. Nancy (AKA TheOwl)

    What a story!!!!! And now that we know the little girls are ok and recovering from their shocking experience, I would have LOVED to have seen the show and tell held by the big girls 🙂 But of course all of the sizes were probably teensy. How wonderful to have great friends that size. They will wear everything they scooped up to such great effect. Jac would have loved it!!!!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      This was thee third trip of getting clothes!!! It was like memory lane.

  7. April

    This is all SO much more memorable AND fun (in retrospect) than a quiet dinner with friends, and the dogs had something to dream about, too, those fierce warrior maids of Scotland. Thanks for sharing. This really put a smile on my face this rainy April morning.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      This was the first time, and I hope the last time I will ever see them like that. I can tell you if Angela and I didn’t stop this war either the ground hog would have been dead or my two girls, because this was a battle to the death!

  8. Karla

    That was so fun, except for the groundhog (or whistle pig as my hubby calls them)!!! Your snack-feast before dinner was HUGE—good thing since your dinner outing was undermined by Mr. Groundhog. Your cake looked divine, as is your story telling, Louis. I miss you on the Q, but am so glad you are still with us. Chantel and Angela are beauties, sweethearts, and great friends. Happy to hear Lily and Sam are OK. Keep the stories coming. By the way, the the farmhouse hutch is GORGEOUS.

  9. Terri H

    Louis, what an adventure for you all! So glad your “girls” are okay and I bet all of you will need a few days to recuperate! I have been enjoying every bit of your blog! Keep on! Hugs to you!

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