…………….These suits were all about their relaxed European attitude, and the wonderful Herringbone languid fabric that had the look of LINEN……….They worded with so many other Linea pieces. They were very popular and sold incredibly well. The fabric price rose to the point that I was never able to use it again, and I could never find a suitable substitute……..This became a one of a kind suit in the Stone and Pale Olive.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. enjay

    These were the best. I have all the stone pieces. Nothing like them.

  2. April

    I actually jumped out of my very “comfy chair” (just quoting from a pretty famous Monty Python skit here) to get to the phone fast enough to order this in the stone. If you had looked right into the camera and said, “April, this is for YOU!”, it couldn’t have been any clearer. I’m sorry for the women who may have missed out on a reorder, but when I look in my closet for something wonderful to wear that I don’t want to see replicated on a hundred other bodies, I get over it.

  3. Maia

    Louis, many thanks to you and to Elaine for my prized suits!

  4. Maia

    Louis, this suit is my absolute favorite of all your Linea designs! I still have the olive suit in two sizes (and the pale olive short sleeved top) and the stone suit. The fabric, the gorgeous design, the colors, the wear, the pants & sleeve lengths! For me, simply perfection. Thank you!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Maia….I have to agree with you….I loved this fabric the minute I found it. It was at the high point of what we could actually afford….It was actually more expensive than what we could afford, but Elaine SQUEEZED the factory due to the fact we were giving them a lot of business. As they say “one hand washes the other”…..but when the fabric mill raised the price even more, when we wanted to reorder it, that was the end. There was never a substitute so you have something very very special.

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