Here we are at Abu Camp. I’m following Chris to the room with commentary. It’s a little over 9 minutes.

Posted by Louis Dell'Olio on Monday, September 20, 2021

I’m taking you on a tour of our room at the Abu Camp. The video is just over nine minutes with commentary. I hope you enjoy!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Donna from California

    What fabulous accommodations! I think I’d feel quite safe having Chris as a traveling companion. He looks capable of handling anything that might arise. Thank you for sharing this experience Louis. It’s such fun for us!

  2. Sarah

    This is so wonderful of you to share with us and Chris is such a good sport to entertain us even though he doesn’t know us like you do and know how we have looked forward to your trip.

  3. Anonymous

    Fabulous !
    Really enjoyed the video!
    Thank you so much!

  4. Irene

    Thank you for sharing your awesome experience!!!
    I’m totally enjoying it!!!
    How is the food?
    Best regards, Irene

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Irene, the food was good not great. Remember it is all flown into these camps and the cooks varied from camp to camp. I always found something on the menu. At Mombo they had a pizza oven and they were fabulous. You could order with all different toppings. For breakfast I’s have granola, which was very good and scrambled eggs with crisp bacon, but I had to tell them exactly how I wanted it cooked. Once they learned it was always good. I’m not a meat eater so I had fish whenever it was avail., and it was very good.

      1. Cela

        Did they cook “Fish Stew” for you? It’s prepared with spices and tomatoes and is kind of sweet). It’s yummy!

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