…………………….I would love to travel back to these times just to watch and observe…….like the invisible man or a fly on the wall…….My mother always told me her brothers were always into something. My dad grew up with them and they were all good friends……I also think my father thought this would enable him to be around my mother more, but she wasn’t that interested early on…..she was having too good a time being single and dating….The top three pictures from left to right, and the bottom three from left to right are of my uncle Paul. Love his knickers and sweater! It was my Uncle who later was an arbiter in the Ladies Garment Union, and told my parents he thought I was very talented. He also got me my summer job at Norman Norell. He had thick wavy hair, blue eyes and a very deep commanding voice. The woman he is with is Marie, who would become his wife. The bottom center picture is one of my favorites. It’s of my Uncle Paul holding his little brother Danny’s hand. My Uncle Danny could have been part of the “Our Gang” movies. There was, as you can see, a big age difference. My Uncle Paul was the second oldest and my Uncle Danny was the baby of the Rutigliano family. The inset picture is of my Uncle Tom in the vest, and my mother peeking over his shoulder…..not sure who the others are. The picture at the top right is of my father, second in from the left and next to him on his right, my Uncle Tom. The bottom right picture has my Uncle Tom knelling, my Uncle Paul directly above him and his girlfriend Marie in the dark sweater, print skirt and bobbed hair!…Yolanda is to the left of my Uncle Tom and my Uncle Paul. She was my Uncle Tom’s girlfriend who he latter married….My Mom told me my Uncle Tom was a terrific dancer and she and him used to enter dance contests. They often won. My Uncle Tom would give my mother the trophy and he would keep the MONEY!!!!…..typical…..He was sort of the black sheep of the family. He had married Yolanda, and they had a son, my cousin John. They separated, but never got divorced. She took her son and moved to California. This all happened before I was even born, or when I was very young. I never heard of Yolanda until I was much older when my Mom and I went through her pictures. That was one of the stories my Mom told me. She did tell me she liked Yolanda a lot. I always knew my Uncle Tom to be with my Aunt Marie [lots of Maries in my family], but I found out later they were never married. She was a lovely woman, and they were together many years until my Uncle Tom died suddenly of a heart attach. Yolanda would never give him a divorce…………..I love old pictures.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. sunbluesea

    Louis…..It is a treat to see these photographs of your family and hear the history that helped shape you. I love seeing their fashion sense-the clothes and hats were so stylish. My grandfather always wore a fedora. I miss hats!
    The scene in “Casablanca” with Ingrid Bergman wearing the fedora and the fedora casting a shadow across her face when she is talking to Rick! Yes the story and the script was great, the actors were beyond great but the incredible fashion was a strategic part of that movie (and all movies).
    On a different note, your “Elephant Walk” pendant necklace has been the Holy Grail for me from your jewelry collection for awhile. Out of nowhere, I saw it for sale on Q’s site and nearly sprained my thumbs making the purchase so quickly. I received it yesterday after a few weeks of nail-biting and praying it would not go to backorder and get cancelled. Louis…..it is absolutely STUNNING!!! My mother loved elephants and had a beautiful elephant bracelet that she left me when she passed on in the last year. I feel like this pendant is a gift from the universe and her (my birthday is this week).She and I loved shopping for each other and giving each other great gifts.
    Have a blessed day and thanks for your stories!!

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