…………..STOP being Democrat or Republican or Independent………or for that matter stop being political at all……………just be a descent HUMAN with KINDNESS!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Lily

    Thanks, Louis!

  2. Lily

    Hi Louis, I have an unrelated question. You’re the design expert in apparel and jewelry, so I thought you might know about this.
    I saw a couple of outstanding necklaces online and on air just before the 1st of the year. The necklaces were similar to “collar necklaces”, but they were notably larger and used more casual matte beading with various colors that reminded me of some of the beaded necklaces you did for QVC. These necklaces are larger than “statement” necklaces and go across the collar bone (maybe as some jewelry from antiquity?) I thought I heard/saw someone call them “drama” necklaces, but googling only brings up drama mask necklaces. A CNN news caster wore either a top with exceptional extensive small casual & multi-color beading from the shoulders up or an outstanding necklace over her top. Have you seen these necklaces in your fashion world? TIA

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Lily, they sound like what were called Cleopatra necklaces….very wide bib necklaces. You may have better luck googling or going on jewelry sites like ebay and looking up Cleopatra type necklaces?

  3. Angela


  4. Irene

    Dear Louis,
    I agree with you.
    Let us all make this our new years resolution !!!!!!
    Best regards, Irene

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