……………………..It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have collaborated with the wonderful Jill Bauer. I am thrilled that I will be presenting with Jill, an EXCLUSIVE GROUP of  NEW MADE IN ITALY FABULOUS PIECES OF JEWELRY from my NEW LOUIS DELL’OLIO COLLECTION. This will take place on…….MARCH 8TH, at 8:00PM EST on the “JUST JILL” Facebook LIVE SHOW!!!!!! I have been looking for other opportunities to sell my STERLING SILVER, 18 Karat GOLD on STERLING, my 18 Karat ROSE GOLD on STERLING and BRONZE etc. jewelry…..and out of the blue, which usually happens to me, this WONDERFUL opportunity came my way!…I have missed working with Jill on QVC, so this is a terrific way for us to get together again!!!……Jill is one of the smartest, and sweetest women I have ever worked with. ….It was always such a pleasure, not often enough, to find out we would be partnering together……and besides that she truly LOVED the LINEA products…….This will be the first of what I hope will be many appearances on Jill’s fabulous show…..She deserves ALL of the success she is getting…………and I love her receipts too!!!!………https;//justjillshop.com/collections/louis-dell-olio-jewelry……..

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Cela

    Louis , don’t forget that Lisa Robertson has a “store”
    And now Antonella is back to selling jewelry, too.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Yes Cela, know about Lisa and Antonella, but Jill is the perfect fit for me. The quality jewelry she sells in her own shop I relate to more than the others. I want to take baby steps, and ss how the jewelry sells first and what the women are liking best.

  2. Angela

    Perfect collaboration, I’m excited for the March 8th live show ♥️

  3. April

    Congratulations on your collaboration with Jill. I checked out her site yesterday after you made the announcement on fb, and it looks like the right fit for both of you. And here was me, getting used to having a little extra money in my acc’t every month, lol. This new necklace and earrings takes care of THAT, just in time to wear them with something other than my pajamas. Here’s to to coming of spring, and new beginnings.

  4. G

    That is wonderful news! But for those of us who don’t have facebook, will her shows also be posted on your blog or elsewhere?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear G….we are looking into this. It probably will not be in real time as the show is going on, but the next day if it can be done.

  5. B.B.

    This is Fabulous!!! We cant wait!!! 😎👍
    In addition thank you for returning to silver as the base metal. In hot humid climates bronze still leaves it mark on skin.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      B.B even when the Bronze is plated in 18 karat Gold and Sterling Silver?

      1. Nikki

        Congratulations! Will you also do more fashion jewelry like the Misaai collection?

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          No….as of now I’m not in the Fashion jewelry business anymore, but one never knows what may be around the corner?

  6. Pat Hill

    Hi Louis,

    I am confused. Will the jewelry on Jill’s site also be on QVC’s site too.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Pat….don’t be confused….Think of it as TWO DIFFERENT STORES selling my jewelry….QVC and Jill’s Shop are two different things and the jewelry on both sites is different.

  7. Sylvia

    I LOVE Jill !!!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Will the Facebook live show be on the QVC facebook site?

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