Answered Prayers

I heard from the doctor and Sammy is doing well! It wasn’t a mass at all. She ate twigs!!! I’ll kill her myself!

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. April Kohles

    We once had a Golden Retriever that ate an entire box of straight pins. Luckily for him, they passed right thru, because neither of us was any mood to pay for major surgery. The twigs of spring are, I hear, particularly toothsome. I’d keep a very close eye on that little saucepot, and rake like a madman. I expect she didn’t chew properly and got a bowel obstruction, a very serious thing, especially for the elderly. Pansies, however, are delicious and safe, if not quite so much fun to carry proudly around before burying in the nice, soft garden soil.

  2. Anne in NC

    You might want to ask your vet about this: I give my older dogs a digestive enzyme supplement called Prozyme. It comes in a palatable powder form and I sprinkle it on their food daily. Helps old dogs better digest the food that you give them.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Thanks, but she doesn’t have a digestive problem….the cause of her problem was she ate twigs! My vet gives her many homeopathic Chinese herbs for everything!

  3. Anne in NC

    Dogs will be dogs. So happy she will be home soon.

  4. Marie

    So glad she is okay!

  5. Sallie

    Prayers were indeed answered! Thankfully the surgery was successful and she will be back to her old self soon…maybe deciding twigs aren’t all that tasty. Hugs to Sammy!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Sallie…if only that were true….you know the saying…”you can’t teach old dogs new tricks”? I will have to watch her like a hawk when she’s in the back yard!!!

  6. sunbluesea

    THANK HEAVENS!!!! I guess sometimes…..a girl just gets the munchies.🐶🤭

  7. Elaine

    Happy news Louis, glad to hear it.
    Sammy needs to retire as your gardening partner.

  8. Terri H

    I meant Hugs! LOL! Where is the edit button when you need it?

  9. Bev in Illinois

    Louis, that sounds like my cat Graycee. She ate a whole spool of thread, and the surgery was quite expensive. She survived but has since passed on, so I understand completely! We will do anything to care for our fur babies. Happy that Sammy is doing better.

  10. Terri H

    That silly girl! What a scare she gave you Louis! So glad she is okay! Higs!

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