……….Being a home owner isn’t easy….especially when you own a wooden home on the water!!!…A house on the water comes with its’ own special problems……It’s ALWAYS SOMETHING!!!! After Super Storm Sandy, 10 years ago, I had to put new fences up. I wanted to replace the wooden fences with vinyl, but Jac, ever the purist, wouldn’t hear of it….so all new wooden fences replaced the old wooden fences…..Now, ten years later the wood had rotted out, and with the last storm the damage to them was bad. They once again needed to be replaced! However, Jac isn’t here to argue with me…..so I had them all replaced with beautiful vinyl fences. The fences along the drive way, the fences in the back yard between my house and my neighbors, the three gates, and the two small picket like fences and two more gates that lead to the water at the end of the brick path, have all been replaced. These two smaller fences create a little pen off the family room that I can let Samantha out into at night. I can still get from the back yard to the water with the two gates….I am very pleased with the way they turned out even though they were very costly…..At least I don’t have to worry about them rotting out, or painting the wooden ones, or being replaced ever again while I’m still living here…………I think Jac would have liked the way they looked too…….after she got over the fact that they weren’t wood!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Carolyn Muse

    Louis, the fencing is beautiful! I am sure Jac would be pleased. Also, thanks for sharing the cherry blossoms. It brighten my day. Enjoy the holidays Louis and all the Linea ladies.

  2. Marie

    It looks great! I had vinyl fences installed 17 years ago. I love them! They are still beautiful. The upkeep has been minimal. I spray them clean once a year, which is very easy. I’ve just done that myself. Wooden fences just look so shabby after a few years and painting is such a pain.

  3. Patty from Houston

    They look beautiful and I am really surprised!
    I would have been with Jac on this one…but now that I see your pictures, I think you made a great choice.
    Well done!
    Happy summer!

  4. Kathy/Wis

    Louis, The new fencing is beautiful I especially like the decorative top. We did something very similar a few years ago it’s costly but money well spent.

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