…………..I was sitting at my computer, lost in my own thoughts, when I suddenly looked up to see the magnificent Cherry trees in full blossom…..There are rows of them lining my brick walkway that lead to the lawn and the water beyond…….The saying….”gather ye rosebuds while ye may” was never more true. Soon they will all be gone, and I will have to wait another year, God willing………..to LOOK UP again.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. sunbluesea

    Dear Louis…..you are doling out words of wisdom today. I get so far into my own head-thinking about the past or worrying about the future…..I forget to open my eyes to NOW and see the beauty right in front of me and the blessings I STILL HAVE. How many days of my life have i missed doing this? So today I decided to do something just for today….I am now sitting at a non-franchised, local coffee shop having a great cup of coffee. I have been passing by this place for at least 10 years…..always curious about it but on my way to somewhere to do
    something. I may never make it to some of the places on my bucket list…..but I am happy to say Ihave made it to Guillermo’s!!🌦🌤☕️☀️🌸🌸

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      That sounds great! Baby steps…..just keep taking them……no pressure, but the more you do the more you will want to.

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