…………………Is this what freedom has become? How do you interpret this?

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  1. sunbluesea

    Louis…..a person who thinks deeply quotes Albert Camus! What an interesting guy. He had great respect for Simone Weil-an incredible lady in my opinion-and said she was “the only great spirit of our time”. I am sure you have read plenty on her. But if you haven’t….she is worth a read.
    What does this quote mean to me? The happiness in this instance means doing WHATEVER you want, so much so that it crosses boundaries and takes away the freedom, rights, dignity, safety of others.Yes to the “Freedom and freedumb”! Guns are powerful forces in the hands of some who are responsible and others who are not. I believe in the 2nd amendment but NO ONE citizen needs an assault weapon. Uvalde has physically sickened me to the point of raising my voice and vote to these politicians. It could have been prevented. Rules were in place this time in this situation and the rule/law failed us. You can’t drink until you are 21 but you can purchase an assault rifle on a whim?
    While we are on this subject, I see another powerful weapon where our children need more protection and hate to say it-legislation……social media. It is the “Wild, wild west” and children’s self-esteem and their very lives and safety are at risk from predators and suicide,not to mention the propensity for addiction. Social media can be an incredible tool for freedom and information. Much of it is benign…..but once again-too much freedom in the hands of the irresponsible or mentally unstable starts crossing boundaries that impinge on the rights and safety of others.
    Forgive my diatribe…..just one more thing. Albert Camus said “I have seen people behave badly with great morality and I note every day that integrity has no need of rules…..Where lucidity reigns, a scale of values becomes unnecessary.” Human beings are flawed individuals, myself included. Lucidity DOES NOT REIGN. We need tighter gun control. We need some control over social media too. A democracy survives with participation and the fluidity to change.
    We look up websites EVERDAY SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. Let’s do a search for our senator’s and congressmen’s websites and be SURE they know what WE think they should do. We all need to be more involved and let the bureaucrats on both sides know who the real boss is…. it is US.

  2. Anonymous

    There’s freedom and there’s freedumb. Lots of the latter these days.

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