This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Karen in WI

    Happy birthday, Louis!!! Cheesecake is a weakness of mine. Haven’t had some for awhile. I would kill for a navy boho skirt! Cannot believe I don’t have the black one either. Ugh!!

  2. Cela

    Hi Louis, and 🥳 Happy Birthday dear Leo. I’m
    Shopping for cars, guess I’ll drive a Tesla today. I don’t
    Know I don’t know I don’t know what to get. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Donna from California

    Loved the lace jackets. I have them in several colors. A classic with soft lace and perfect worn so many ways.
    Did you bake yourself a birthday cake? You have gotten so proficient in the kitchen that I believe you could pull off anything OR are you working out so much that you skipped the cake? How ever you celebrated, I hope your day was as special as you are.
    Happy birthday and many more!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Donna…it’s way too hot to bake anything….Angela, Chantal and Suzi, another friend who is a stylist at QVC, sent me a Chocolate, Mocha Cheese Cake from Juniors….It was delicious….notice how I use the past tense…never skip Birthday cake!…LOL

      1. Donna from California

        A man after my own heart. The never skip a birthday cake comment had me laughing out loud. The cheese cake sounds divine. My sister always bakes me a chiffon cake with coffee whipped cream and coffee crunch candy chunks all over it. I look forward to it every year. Lucky me, I’m a Leo too and I will have a cake coming in early August!

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          My favorite cake of all time!!!! Is an ICE BOX cake….made with chocolate wafer cookies and fresh whipped cream…..Jac made one for me every single one of my birthdays…..She’d always say to me that July was not the best time of year to make a whipped cream cake, but she’d crank up the air conditioner in the kitchen and make it for me. Since we celebrated the entire month She also ordered me an ice cream cake with cookies and cream ice cream layered with pistachio [my two favorites] with EXTRA chocolate crunch between the wo layers……….I think I will make myself one…..Jac taught me how to make the best whipped cream…..I haven’t made one in a long long time, but you reminded me of it.

    2. Linda in AZ

      Louis..Happy Birthday! Actually I believe in a birthday week or even a month. Wishing you many more. I am enjoying the May 2013 review. I have many of those pieces, and wish I had more of them. I love to dress up, but live in a casual area. I have the hopsack jackets, and sometimes pair them with tailored jeans in black and dark wash blue. I always think “How would Louis style these pieces?” Keeps me on my toes.

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