…………………………WHAT A FACE! How could you not fall in love with that face…..They are true angles on earth!…………Yesterday Dr. Paul brought Sammy’s ashes back to me…..He’s been my vet for 30 plus years….It was sad to say goodbye……….Angela, Chantal and Kate are coming to spend the weekend with me. This Sat. is supposed to be beautiful weather in the 70s so me and Sammy’s aunts will throw Sammy’s ashes into the sea…..She will be united with Jac, and her three sisters….Ellie B…..Annie…..and Lily . All of my girls will be together…………. All of my ANGELS……………It’s a celebration of LOVE!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Enjoyed reading all your quotes from the last few days. I am so glad that the “Aunties” are coming to visit you this weekend. Have lots of fun, good food, and sharing of sweet memories. Angels are truly all around us in all forms!

  2. sunbluesea

    Dear Louis…..It is funny you wrote “True angels on the earth”. I tell my Fifi, Brie and Savvy (they all have much longer names but too much to write) “You are mommy’s true angels on the earth!” There is a bible verse I love about guarding your heart because it is the wellspring of life. I have always thought…..not only do my dogs guard house and home but they guard my heart and keep love flowing from it on my worst days.
    Samantha had the very best life and love of any dog ever on earth. Your bond with her will never be broken and you will see her and all your girls again at the beautiful rainbow bridge. I’m glad the “Aunties” will be there this weekend. 💛💛💛💛

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