…………………………..Collecting art is very personal, but when you find something you love…..your heart starts to pound. Jac and I had the same taste, and usually what she loved I loved and visa versa. The small still life paintings of Chinese vases were painted by a woman named E. Moore. There are actually four of them in the living room, but only two are pictured here. We felt they went perfectly with our Delft vase collection, and we were happy to buy her collection…..Since we bought the paintings the artist, Ms Moore, has unfortunately passed away. The large painting over the couch was done by a friend of mine, Steve Kuzman. He has a small house in Nova Scotia where he spends the summers painting…..The name of the painting is “Wind in the Pines”…you can actually hear it!…..The minute we saw it it was love at first sight…The large painting above the fire place was painted by an artist named Reboli. The house in the painting is in the Hamptons on Long Island, and he lived out there for the summers. It had that old world Hamptons charm…..He also unfortunately has passed away. I had this painting in my old house in Darien. When we moved from Darien to the Long Island Sound luckily the painting worked perfectly in the living room above the fireplace!…….Some things are just meant to be!