……………………..There is very little in the house I don’t decorate! I love to decorate the the Dining Room chandelier. It came with the house, and it’s quite elaborate….At a certain time of year, at a certain time of day….the sun rays stream through the room at just the right angle hitting the prisms which in turn create little rainbows all over the room!!!…It’s magical….For that reason alone I never changed the chandelier, but you have to be lucky enough to see it at the right time ……..Some people decorate their chandeliers with bows or greens, but I like my chandelier hung with lots of GLASS ICICLES………It’s very DOCTOR ZHIVAGO!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jackie

    I love, love, love the decorated chandelier. Nothing more elegant. And, if one thinks outside the box, can be a feature in just about any decor. Years ago, I was amazed at all the vintage chandelier shops in New Orleans. French, of course. LOL

  2. CGee


  3. Lily

    Your decorated chandelier is gorgeous! And I’m sure it’s beautiful throughout the year

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