……………………….In the May 1992 issue of HG Magazine they featured an EIGHT PAGE SPREAD of my home on the Long Island Sound.  Wendy Goodman was the editor, and Oberto Gili, a very dashing Italian , was the photographer……At the time when they contacted me I had very little furniture in the main rooms. Our bedroom was almost finished, and the sunporch was finished, but that was about it. The green room was partly finished, but not enough to have pictures of it taken….That’s when I called John and Burt for help, and in a week the room was done. I’ve told the story in a previous post about the GREEN ROOM…….I had just had all of the columns along the water restored and they looked marvelous…….Later that year we had a horrific hurricane extremely late in the season, and it destroyed the entire wall of columns. I was in Europe at the time. Jac was staying with her Mom in Larchmont. She reported back to me what had happened. When I got home the lawn looked like an Italian ruin. There were broken columns all over the place. I called the man who had restored the columns, and he advised me not to do it again…….he said “it would be a waist of money”, and would probably happen again…..so I had a cement  curb made and had it painted white which is the way it is today. So these HG pictures are the only proof that a wall of columns ever existed……………It surely was pretty!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Donna from California

    Louis, the columned wall was very beautiful and I can understand why you restored it – and why you didn’t a second time. I so enjoy seeing pictures and hearing stories about your home and it’s furnishings. I love art and can see why you were drawn to the art you purchased. I too have a painting featuring rowboats. Mine is a watercolor.
    Your depiction of the wicker chair looks lovely. Designing jewelry may not completely satisfy your need for creativity and perhaps one day you will revisit art as an outlet. You will always have an appreciative audience.

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