……………………..I had to post this picture of my Mom and Dad, and my brother John and goofy me. As you can see I was very happy with what Santa brought me, but actually by then I didn’t believe in the old guy. I remember asking a million times if we didn’t have a fireplace how would he get in??? My father would take me outside and show me the chimney! He’d say “that’s how Santa gets in”… I guess that was enough for me. Then it happened! I don’t recall what year it was. My brothers gave me the horrible news….there was NO SUCH THING AS SANTA CLAUS!!!!, and Mom and Dad bought the presents for me and put Santa’s name on them. At that moment my world collapsed! Did that mean there was no such thing as the Easter Bunny? the Tooth Fairy? all of those mythical creatures that colored my world!…..It was a rude awakening, and nothing was the same anymore It was traumatic! Sometimes I wonder if it’s the right thing to do feeding children these stories only to find out they have been lied to for so many years!!!???…… My brother Mauro must be taking the photo since he’s not in it…..What I love about this picture are my parents expressions!!!! I could write a million captions why they both look so unhappy! Maybe my mother was still mad that my father cut two feet off the top of the tree???? LOL