………………..One year we decided to skip the Caribbean and go to Cancun for our Christmas Holiday. It was the early 90s……We really had no idea where to go so we had the hotel concierge hire a guide for us for a few days. On the first morning this young attractive man shows up to take us on out first excursion. We went to see ruins, and had lunch at a local restaurant which we were a little suspect about, because the food in Mexico didn’t always agree with Jac’s delicate constitution!….but we fared well. In those days I had a cast iron stomach and nothing bothered me!…The first day was a lot of fun, and we really liked our guide!……On the second day we had become very comfortable, and friendly with our guide, Carlos…..We got into his jeep and off we went. He took us to this out of the way secluded beach where we spent the morning swimming, and the three of us had a lovely lunch at a beach restaurant…..Afterwards he said he wanted to take us someplace very special….that tourists didn’t know about! So off we went!!! We finally stopped in a clearing in the jungle. There wasn’t a thing in sight! As we walked through the the jungle I started to get a little nervous!!! Where the hell was he taking us???? Was this a big plan to kidnap us for ransom? I’ve heard stories about strange things that happened to tourists in Mexico, and my imagination was reeling….Carlos was leading the way with Jac behind him, and me bring up the rear….Jac didn’t seem to have a care in the world and was enjoying Carlo’s stories……so I got my head back into the experience……We finally came across a tiny village in the middle of the jungle. There were what seemed to be a few families living there…….They built makeshift shelters to live in, and there were open fires where they were cooking……Lots of children running around on the dirt ground….with lots of chickens running out of their way….Carlos seemed to know these people, and after a few hellos we continued on our way into the jungle……We finally came upon the opening of what looked like a cave. It was very deep with rocks on the bottom. He told us to pick up rocks, and throw them into the cave…..so Jac and I did as we were instructed….To our surprise and amazement this cave/grotto was filled with crystal clear water!!!! So clear and still that we didn’t realize there was water there!  There wasn’t a ripple or anything in the water that would give the secret up. It was really amazing!!! He explained that it was clear FRESH water, and in ancient times this was where the natives came to get their clean water…..I guess they still did? Carlos asked if we would like to take a swim….He said it was perfectly safe, and he had swum there himself many times. I bet he did! What a great secluded place to take a date!! There was absolutely no one around…..so into the water we went…and it was incredible!!!!!! It was so fresh, clean, and cool after a hot day at the beach…..Carlos took some pictures, and said he was going  back to the village to get something, but I think he just wanted to leave us alone…This was a once in a lifetime experience we would never forget…..The best time we ever had in Mexico!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Donna from California

    What a magical place! Lucky you to get to experience it.

  2. Angela

    Love this! 😍

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