……………………….This picture was taken at a Bar-B-Q in my brother Mauro’s backyard. That’s my niece Jeanine in the background sitting by the pool…….There were many good times in his backyard! My brother recently sold the house to down size. It was a huge house for just two people, and lots of work and upkeep. He now lives in a smaller house just ten minutes away. It still has a big back deck and the Barb-B Qs continue!…….not quite the same without my Jac.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Joanne C

    Lovely picture of both of you!

  2. Anonymous

    Hi Louis-
    I hope all is well and you had a lovely Easter. Your plants must be blooming in this wonderful Spring weather. Miss you!

  3. Lily

    Hi Louis, I hope all is well and that you are enjoying some of the warm spring weather.

  4. Angela

    Love this picture ❤️

  5. Sallie

    Wonderful photo of you both, Louis. You’re fortunate to have these many photos to keep wonderful memories alive.

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