…………….”Truth is Truth” or at least it used to be……..One has to ask….”What spell are they under?” When I first read this quote I was angry that the GOP does nothing about this disgrace of a man…….but then I just became SAD…….sad that this is the state of affairs in this country……..That both parties will do anything to keep their party in power regardless of the effect on the country…….When will COUNTRY COME FIRST!……or is that an ideal of the past?

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. DiAnne

    I completely agree. I am an independent. I believe both political parties need reform but I can’t believe that so many people believe in Trump. I have never voted “party” until this last election. Jan 6th was too much for me.

  2. Sallie

    Louis, you are spot on, IMO! We are in the “What’s in it for ME?” times. I know there are many good, honest people, but the unethical, amoral, selfish individuals/groups seem to have control of the nation. When I heard Kellyanne Conway first mention “alternate facts” on a Sunday morning real news show, I blanched. There is NO such thing! It’s fact or it is not. The hatred that is spewed is disturbing. All I hope is that we don’t go down the hole any further. it is sad…and a little scary.

  3. Marie

    Yes I agree Louis! Well said Donna & Carol! As a retired educator, I have many worries about education and the future. I saw so many very dedicated, hard working, overworked teachers giving selflessly of themselves and their free (unpaid) time as they try so hard to help all the students who come through the doors. A large proportion of the student population struggles greatly with mental health and social issues. We are stuck in a tragic hole with the underlying issues of (too many people ) demonizing educators, the underfunding, understaffing and undervaluing of schools and school shootings! It has sadly resulted in the dumbing down of America. More of the same will never get us where we need to be with making our children, their education and America’s future a priority. Then, there are the problems with a lack of integrity and dishonesty. I might not agree with Liz Cheney on all her political views but I have great respect and admiration for her and how she took a stance of integrity and honesty. She is a fine example of the moral character which has become all too rare these days!

  4. Carol

    And their biggest fear: education. Stay tuned for more dumbing down in our schools. And more guns.

  5. Donna from California

    ABSOLUTELY agree! Are there no more Statesmen/women. Liz Cheney should be on the cover of magazines with a cape on her shoulders. In my mind she is a superwoman for standing up for the truth. The whole denial of the truth reminds me of the parable “The Emperor has no clothes.”

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