………………….I don’t think it’s any secret to anyone that my favorite vacation spot is the Caribbean…..especially Anguilla………However, my second favorite vacation destination are the Greek Isles…..If they weren’t so far away they could even be my favorite, but it is a journey to get to them. Jac and I made several trips to Greece. It helped that one of her best friends, Elena, lived there just outside of Athens…………..Elena is Swedish, but lived in NYC, and was in the same model agencies, in NY and Europe as Jac. They often worked and roomed together, and many times were paired on the runways together, because of their similar look, both tall, blond and same body type. They also moved alike…..Elena was always fascinated with Greece and Greeks, and had quite a few Greek friends who lived in Athens. She was very friendly with this small band of musicians, and the girl lead singer. One summer they were going on a tour of the Peloponnese, singing at different tavernas. Elena asked Jac if she wanted to go with them. They were traveling in a van or small bus….don’t remember…..Jac said YES and off this little troop went…..playing music, singing, eating and drinking, and having a marvelous time……At one stop Jac was sitting alone, and this Greek guy came up to her and tried to pick her up. Jac told me he was a really cute guy….a little short for her, but with a sweet angelic face. She told him she already had a boyfriend, but she’d like to introduce him to her friend……Jac introduced Elena to Angelo [which means angel], and that was it…..They married, Elena moved to Athens, and they had a son Gianni who now has a daughter of his own……So it was faith that Jac went on that little trip and introduced Angelo to Elena….BTW, Angelo is everything JacĀ  said. He’s a wonderful architect too…….We have visited them as often as we could, not often enough, and have gone on trips to the islands with them…..It’s always better when you travel with people who speak the language fluently!…….The photos are of one of our trips. It seems Angelo was always taking the photos!……The top center picture was taken at a sea side restaurant, and Elena was selecting our dinner!…..Angelo and Elena loved Jac, and were broken hearted when I had to call them and tell them the sad news of her passing……We still…..all these years later…..keep in touch through e-mails and phone calls. They always ask me to come, but somehow, without Jac, I simply can’t.