……………………….The ANNIVERSARY BANGLE is BACK……but this time with a new inscription…………..”INNER BEAUTY IS WHAT COUNTS”……….In a world where too much attention is placed on the way you look, and the “standards of beauty” are impossible to reach for the majority of women and YOUNG girls…..In a world where young women are judged, criticized, and sometimes bullied for the way they look….where social media can be cruel and demoralizing…it is more important than ever that we must impress upon young girls that INNER BEAUTY is so much more important…..That is the reason I had this new inscription created……Me must remind young women what is truly important, and we must do everything in our power to have them BELIEVE it!…..My hope with this new bangle, and its’ message is to be a reminder of what’s important!……The new bangle is available right now on the Linea QVC jewelry site……It’s avail in STERLING SILVER ONLY in three sizes…….small…..average…..and large…….J422008 is the style number……This is a perfect gift for you, and the perfect graduation gift….especially for young ladies who are off to college and university, and for many their first time away from home…….Wearing this bangle will remind them what’s important!

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