…………………………..Two like minds from two very different generations, definitely had at least one thing in common! In this day and age it boggles the mind that in this country……THE HOME OF THE FREE!!!!….That some narrow minded idiotic people can dictate a book being banded or any other prejudicial stance that is plaguing this country…I am sure Dwight D Eisenhower would never have banded “The Diary of Anne Frank”!!!!!.This country is going backward, not forward……What is happening to this country?????…..We should be the MOST ACCEPTING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD…….Instead we have people with BRACES ON THEIR BRAINS!!!!Why is it being allowed for the INSANE to beĀ  RUN THE ASYLUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Barbara in Virginia

    I couldn’t agree more, Louis! This is sounding more every day like public schools back in the 50s-60s back in Dallas,Texas, although the rural areas were worse. We were brainwashed about ALL people of color, anyone who was not a white Protestant so-called Christian, or anyone who did not descend from Northern European or English stock. But the saving grace is that by high school,and certainly by our Senior year, most of us had started questioning this on our own. And before that, most of us knew where our fathers had hidden his copy of Peyton Place and had read it LOL! “Nice Girls” would NEVER have dared to do that! And I had both Jewish and Catholic friends and openly talked about religion with both of them. I suspect that kids’ own natural curiosity is still intact and that they would want to get their hands on the evil Banned Books to see what the fuss was all about. That said, I’m glad that my rising third grade grandson does not encounter that at all in his Maryland public school or sports activities where he has friends of all ethnicities and religions. He also received the “Kindness” and scholarship awards for Second Grade! “Teach Your Children Well”. IMO we need to be sensitive to what we pass on to the next generation.

  2. Donna from California

    AGREE with everything you said. We’re regressing – not progressing. I am afraid for our country. If we are not careful, we will end up like countries who have dictators and NO freedom.

  3. Sallie

    Thanks, Louis, for bring these so so true quotes to our attention. Your comments were well said. (These days I often say that I am glad that I am old! : ) )

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I refer to it as “being on the shady side”

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