…………………….Happy Father’s Day in Heaven………What Can I tell you about my Dad?……He loved music and had a collection of over 1000 albums….He was a big jokester, and loved to have a good time with family and friends…..He knew everyone and loved people. They used to call him “The Mayor”. He loved Italian food, and good Italian wine…….He was brought up by his dad drinking wine, and so were we……mixed with water!….He loved his home….it was his castle……He had a beautiful finished basement where he would sit for hours listening to his music. Sometimes I would sit with him and he would give me a Raspberry Brandy in a very small cordial glass…….My dad was not a very demonstrative man with his children…..Sometimes I thought it was me….until I had a conversation with my brother, and he told me he was that with him and my other brother John too…….The first time I ever saw my Dad get emotional with me was when I gave him and my mother first class round trip tickets to Hawaii as a gift….he cried…..I know my father was always proud of my accomplishments, and those of my brothers. My parents were always there to cheer me on when I received an award. I know he loved his family and his grandchildren, though he didn’t always show it…………What I do know was how much he loved my mother…..She was his one true love. I never ever heard that he had another girlfriend while he waited for my mother to say yes…..My brothers moved out of the house when they were in their early 20s and I moved into NYC when I was 19 and going to Parsons…..My parents were empty nesters for a long long time…..When my mom passed away at 95 years old my dad was very lonely though he never complained. Then about a week after she died he told me my mom was calling him. He died two weeks after her…..Now they are in Heaven for all eternity…..I hope young and beautiful!………………….Happy Father’s Day Dad!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Frieda

    What a wonderful family and a great look at your dad. Your folks had such long lives full of love and devotion. Beautiful.

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