……………..Since it’s the end of the summer I thought I’d tell some summertime stories…….Jac and I rented a house on Fire Island for quite a few years………For those of you who don’t know….Fire island is a 32 mile long strip of land, and one half mile wide off the coast of Long Island on the Atlantic Ocean….It is a barrier island in the Great South Bay, and over the years has protected Long Island from massive erosion…It is know for it’s miles of peaceful pristine beaches, with fine sand, which are some of the best in the world!….It’s also know for its’ centuries old maritime forests where deer abound….It has a laid back vibe during the day, and a vibrant scene at night…..You have to take a ferry to get there……There are no cars, and we had our little red wagon hitched up by the dock so we could haul our bags and groceries to the house on the beach, which was at the far end of the community…The house was a beauty….Very modern with a beautiful pool on the beach…..There are many different communities along the island, 17 in all….all on the beach, separated by a few miles of empty dunes, trees and underbrush……..We always took a long lease until February 15th……We actually loved it best after Labor Day when most renters were gone…..The weather was still perfect, and cool enough in the evening to start up our wood burning stove…..The beaches were empty and we always took a week off from work to be there by ourselves…taking long walks….We decided to give it up after the house was literally picked up and moved to the mainland after one terrible hurricane when many houses were destroyed………….Those years on Fire Island were……….the best of times.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Donna from California

    Your outings on Fire Island sound wonderful. I’m sure you are grateful for such beautiful photos and memories of your time with Jac. I find that not having my partner to reminisce with, is as if I have lost an essential part of myself.

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