……………………….Who could possibly forget the horrors that would enfold on that exquisitely beautiful morning of September 11th 2001……..It will forever be embedded in my brain…….I can recall visiting the restaurant high up in one of the twin towers. I was standing at the very edge of the ceiling to floor windows, with the tips of my shoes touching the windows, looking at the incredible view of the Statue of Liberty. Looking straight down I suddenly had the sensation of falling, and had to step back. It was very scary…….I can’t possibly imagine what it was like for those people trapped in those burning buildings…..I remember the images of people so desperate they jumped to their certain death from those same windows…..The HORROR…….That day the collective innocence and naivete of this nation was lost forever. No one could have imagined our country could have been attacked in this heinous way…..Three planes brought down by terrorists. Even the word terrorist would take on a new meaning after that day. I knew one person on the first plane that flew out of Boston….A mother of two boys…….The HORROR………Every year since the first anniversary I sit in front of my TV and solemnly listen to the names of all the people that perished that faithful day, and I think about all of the people that have died since, because of the downing of those towers……The HORROR……..May they all Rest In Peace, and somehow may peace come to all of the families who have lost loved ones……A whole new generation of young people have been born since September of 2001, They should be taught of this day….It is so much more than history…..It marks the day this country was changed forever………..REMEMBER

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. CGee

    So eloquent, Louis.

  2. Donna from California

    I certainly agree with your comments. I remember that I was getting ready for work that morning and my sister called me and asked if I was watching TV. I turned it on and was horrified. I thought to myself these kinds of things don’t happen in the United States. I often think that we lost our innocence when JFK was assassinated and again on September 11. We sometimes take our freedom and way of life for granted. September 11 reminds us that our democracy was hard earned but easily lost.

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