…………There is nothing more wonderful than seeing a herd of wild elephants in Africa!!…………You would think in this day and age elephants would be safe from hunting and poachers…….NOTHING is further from the truth! I can’t believe with the numbers of wild elephants on the decline that hunting them and killing them for sport is still allowed!!!! What is the joy in killing these huge majestic beasts!?? It’s like shooting fish in a barrel….They just stand there and allow themselves to be killed…….and as for poachers!……..When I was in Africa two years ago with my nephew Chris, while in our jeep in the bush, we saw police jeeps speeding through the bush after poachers! The poachers are well armed, and we were told they would rather be killed than caught, because if caught they would spend the rest of their lives in prison. It becomes a battle to the death….either the elephant dies or the poachers!……..I know which side I’m on!!!…..We were always on the look out for Rhinos, because they are a rare sighting….Then we were told that five rhinos in the area were caught, and airlifted to a different game reserve many miles away, because poachers were trying to kill them!……As for the hunters….they should be thrown in jail too!……As my nephew and I were sitting in the airport waiting to board out flight home, we happened to be sitting next to these five men. Two were father and son. They were all discussing the hunting safari they were just on! It made me sick. I had to move rather than listen to them boasting about their “kills”……..I have loved elephants since I was a child, and my older brother, Mauro, used to draw them for me……Jac and I adopted two beautiful rescues, Flora and Tara, who live in the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee……..You can google them, and if you like donate any amount of money to help these wonderful animals……..Donating to any Elephant cause would be great!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cela

    And put them back with their fellow elephant, so can be happy, peaceful and MOST OF ALL …FREE !!!

  2. Jenny B

    I agree! Killing animals for sport is sick! It breaks my heart knowing that this atrocity still exists. And it’s terrible that you had to hear people bragging about their hunting safari. I just don’t understand some people.

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