……………………I worked very closely with a company in Italy that specialized in chenille and novelty woven fabrics like tapestries and jacquards. The woman who owned it didn’t speak any English so at every meeting her very talented young daughter, Alessandra,  was there to interpret and add her valued opinion. We became very close friends. They worked very closely with many Italian designers, and Armani was one of their biggest customers. I loved working with them, because every time I went there it was like going to a candy store. I couldn’t wait to see, and be inspired by the new fabrics and patterns they created. The mother was a true genius….They also made shawls and scarves……For this season they developed this beautiful, solid chenille,  small check jacquard textured patterned fabric for jackets. This cognac elongated V-neck jacket was collarless and had a three button front…..I had the same chenille yarn sent to my sweater factory in Italy, and I had them make a few styles in the chenille plus scarf mufflers and cuffed caps….The yarn was rich and luxe, and the saturated colors were simply beautiful…..I showed  the long cognac chenille jacket over a long simple button front knit sweater dress with a wide contour belt in shiny lizard. It was worn with a jewel neck matching chenille sweater tied around the neck of one of the most beautiful Italian models I had ever scene…….SIMONETTA GIANFELICI……She was very famous in Europe and was featured in every magazine, and the famous photographers loved her……However, this was the only time that I can recall that I used her in a show….She rarely came to America, so when she did I booked her immediately….From the moment I saw her until this day I think she was one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen….She always reminded me of the incredibly beautiful Virna Lisi…..She could have easily been the star in a film by Federicio Fellini…Vittorio DeSica….Michelanglio Antonioni….or….Luchino Visconti…..all great Italian movie directors.

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