Jac and I want to thank each and every one of you for your heart felt good wishes and hugs… is very much appreciated. We are doing fine and are so glad we could walk away from this. As so many of you have said, and something we realized immediately… could have had a whole different out come so we thank God we are alright, and I am also thankful that the young girl, who caused the accident, wasn’t hurt and could walk away from this. I just hope she has learned that her actions do have consequences. We are looking forward to our trip to the west coast, but before then I have much work to do…….then I can leave with a clean slate and a calm mind…………………………

Once again………………thank you all so much for your messages and prayers………………..much Love……… Louis

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. blinddogs

    Louis and Jac, so sorry for your horrible experience. As well I know, there could have been a dreadful outcome: my father-in-law was killed by a drunk driver going the wrong way on a major highway heading out of NYC. (She did a year in jail, which was unusual at that time many years ago.) Poor Jac and her bruises, but those airbags probably cushioned her from serious injury.

    Yes, they say the bad stuff comes in threes so your quota should be over now. Rest and relax on your west coast trip.

    Loved your take on the “events” of a few years back: the Linea Ladies “ROARED.” Yes, we did and would do so again in a second: “We are Linea Ladies, hear us roar…” (Apologies to Helen Reddy and her song…LOL– Blinddogs

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Hi darlin’……actually I was think more along the lines of Katie Perry, but Helen Reddy is good too. We found out the girl was 18 which is under age for drinking in CT., but we know little else of what happened to her.

  2. Carol

    Hope both you and Jac are getting back on your feet, both emotionally and physically. What a nightmare! I’ve just returned from a few weeks abroad to find a pyramid of Linea joy waiting for me. I’m opening it all tomorrow and know it’s going to make my holiday!

    I just thought you might like to know that on my trip, Linea shown through like the workhorse wardrobe it is. I never went a day without a compliment–literally. One woman told me she was always looking forward to seeing what I would wear each day and another said I got the best dressed award. I cannot tell you how many times women asked me if I got my clothes in Europe. Another woman told me that she loved my style and could see that it was really my own. I did not tell her it was really Louis Dell’Olio. Sorry, Louis, but I couldn’t help but take the credit. You’re my secret weapon! Much love and thanks to you.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Carol…..the woman makes the clothes, and creates the style….not the other way around….I’m sure you looked fabulous!

    2. Goldie76

      How much I enjoyed reading your post, Carol. How satisfying to have a wardrobe that you find pleasing but also delights others, too.
      Best-dressed award! You obviously wore your Linea well.

      Like you, I am very thankful for my Linea fashions. (Bless you and your creative force, Louis.)

      Louis, do you have any idea how grateful many of us are to you? You make looking spectacular easy.

    3. Mackenzie

      Carol, I loved reading your post about your European travels wearing Louis’ Linea designs. It would be so much fun to find out which of Louis’ designs turned heads the most. For me this season, Louis’ blue Town and Country Blazer with his cadet blue whisper knit top has really been a hit, as has Louis’ black and white houndstooth jacket with a black turtelneck sweater, which is stunning!

      1. Barbara in Virginia

        I had the same reaction from my Linea in Vienna, Austria. The women there dress like grown women, and I fit right in. This was true of the locals as well as for women tourists from other European countries. They assumed that I was European! We were there past the time when women tourists who dress in typical tourist unkempt style were there. Only college age and under dress about the way they do here :-).

        Yes, style is the way one puts things together. But that is very hard to do without the building blocks!

  3. Sharon Santourian Holman

    So glad you are both ok!

  4. InStitches49

    So thankful that you and Jac are relatively okay compared to what could have happened! Your quick thinking kept this wreck from being much worse. And hopefully that young girl will change her life and her ways before it is too late. Wishing you both swift recoveries from your aches, pains, and bruises!

  5. Alicia

    Dear Louis, I am so glad that both of you are well into the way to recovery. A trip to the West Coast might well be what you need now that the glory of autumn is fading here. As a matter of fact you are inspiring me to go to my Berkeley home as soon as I finish a few matters. Time to enjoy the last roses… All the best to Jac and you, and of course the three black beauties.

  6. Cathy in PA

    Dear Louis and Jac,

    Glad to hear you are both continuing to recover; take your time, and pamper yourselves. Hope your west coast vacation is a delight. Walter and I just booked Disney World for New Years with the 6 year old grandson, followed by a cruise for us … Sequins and Posh Knits will be my uniform, and what a wonderful relief to know I have the perfect things to wear, THANKS to you and jac!

    Prayers for your continued recuperation. I pray that young lady has seen her life flash before her eyes, and her last days as a successful and productive grandmother, she remembers the night Louis Dell’Olio saved her life 🙂

    Love and Hugs to you both, Cathy in PA

  7. Pamela

    Dear Dear Louis:

    By the Grace of God, you live to tell another tale. Such a harrowing experience SO close to home. Your sharp mind & quick reflexes saved THREE Lives! Thank GOD. May you both recover from injury fully & time will ease the trauma of it all.

    Here’s wishing you & Jac a safe & enjoyable journey to the West Coast. The Pacific is so magical and beautiful @ Malibu this time of year.

  8. Sox (Barbara)

    I just want to add my good wishes for a safe trip after such an ordeal. I tried to respond to the “Adventure” blog, but, strangely, I kept getting rejected, LOL. Seems the code did not recognize my letters. Anyway, I’m glad you and Jac escaped relatively unharmed. That was indeed a blessing in itself.

  9. Mackenzie

    I’m so thankful that you and Jac are doing well and were able to avoid even worse injuries. It breaks my heart to think of you two lovely people being injured. You are in my prayers.

  10. Bighairgal

    Dear Louis,

    So sorry to hear of this accident and your damaged knee…isn’t this the 2nd one in just a few years? I suggest you buy a tank this time to protect you from the crazies (maybe pearl gray?). Tell Jac how sorry I am for her injuries. This is such a shock on the system let alone the pain you both have to endure now for a while.

    Great healing energy to you both! You are our dear friends.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Bighairgal….yes, last year I was with a friend and we were on the Pacific Coast Highway stopped at a red light when we were rear ended by yet another young girl who was TEXTING! So with that accident, Super Storm Sandy and this accident…that makes three. Isn’t the saying trouble comes in threes? I hope this is it!

  11. Elissa , MN

    I was doing a Google search for one of your necklaces and came upon the interview you and Jac had with Lisa Robertson about how you met (part of the QVC 25th Anniversary). It was sweet and beautiful, and I wish you many more years together, enriching our lives with beautiful attire. (I had no idea that QVC had dropped your line at one time. How foolish. Glad they came to their senses with the encouragement of all your Linea ladies. I am honored to be one of them. xoxo

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Hi Elissa…….yes, it’s true………..QVC was ending the line, which came as a surprise since we were doing well and couldn’t understand their reasoning…but….my LINEA LADIES ROARED, and they had absolutely no recourse but to keep Linea going. I never missed a season. Thank goodness, due to all of you, the Linea collection is doing better than ever.

  12. Ann

    Louis – I am so glad and thankful that you and Jac are doing well. I think I speak for many, we consider you both family. I don’t post very often, but check your site often. I have been a customer since you began with QVC. Every occasion, event or just everyday, I feel so well dressed and put together in Linea. Please be well and continue to bring us your ” classics with a twist!”

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