blue jacket1

The KATE SHIRT, A214116, returns in the all important……………..WHITE…………………For those new to the shirt……this is not an optic white…..I call it a soft white. If you are a white shirt lover and wearer….they don’t get much better than this at this great price………….if you can even find a decent white shirt at this price. As I said above…………this is the fourth year reordering this shirt and the price still remains the same….that in itself is a miracle…when everything around continues going up in price. There are many LL [Linea Ladies], who own multiples of this shirt in white. Jac is one of those women. She prefers to send hers to the laundry with my dress shirts…LOL……Besides the WHITE and GREY the KATE shirt will still be offered in….theĀ  BLUE…….the PALE OLIVE…..and the SEA GREEN…………………………enjoy……………………..much Love………………….Louis

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kate

    It’s all about the seaming that takes 10 lbs off the waistline!

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