Holiday bracelet 20133

………….The third color I am presenting to you in the BOUCLE CARDIGAN & SCARF is………………BRIGHT BLUE………………and yes….it is VERY CLOSE to the LAPIS. I love mixing BLUES and above I have the AQUA WK V-NECK TANK, A233942, which many of you already own, because it is sold out, but there still are some  [very few] of the A233944, the V-neck short sleeve version …..if your size isn’t avail…try the short sleeve scoop neck version!……………I also am showing the two tops with the LAPIS pant, A238535, to provide that column of color….always slimming. Again, I have chosen to accessorize the outfit with a Moroccan necklace from my collection……………..Please notice how easily the scarf can be used as a head covering……with those Santa Anna winds….the scarf might come in handy…………………scroll down………………………………………………………………

…………………………………….enjoy…………………………..much Love…………………………………………………… Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Vicki S.

    Hi Louis.. these sweaters look gorgeous.. can I wear the blue ballet tunic under the bright blue sweater..

    Thank you


  2. Susan (aka carlytwila)

    Does this color play well with last year’s blue drawstring skirt?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Susan…I checked it out and no….the Lapis and Limoges blue [the drawstring skirt] are both too green next to the Bright Blue.

  3. Cathy in PA

    Oooh, the Lapis Sequin skirt is the only one I didn’t get, and I’ve been “looking for an excuse” to indulge … thanks for the nudge; I’m off to get it. Plus size ladies, do NOT miss those sequin pieces !!! Thanks, Louis 🙂

    Cathy in PA

  4. Cathy in PA

    Could we switch out the lapis pants for the Lapis Sequin skirt? I’m not a “blue clothing” person, so can use all the help and advice mixing blues I can get 🙂 Thanks!

    Cathy in PA

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Absolutely……Wear it with a white tank or the lapis tank. On my Feb show I will be showing the reorder ENR mock neck in white with the Lapis sequin skirt and the Bright Blue cardigan

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