Sorry for the spelling!

I should always have Jac check my posts! Sorry for the “pairs” instead of the “pears”…..I corrected it on my post, but it’s spelled wrong on the Linea Forum, so I’ve been told……It’s a good thing I can draw!!!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Yvette

    Dear Louis,
    Just keep those designs coming, and you can spell things however you darn well please!

  2. Goldie76

    Not to worry, Louis. I see this as a perfect example of “inverse proportion.” In this case, your strengths are in the realm of designer and graphics; you excel to the point of being world-class in those categories. On the other hand, at times, your mind decides to “go weak” in the areas of spelling or computation — especially when you are in the midst of putting together your latest creations “creatively” for us to view. Your mind is probably working with all cylinders in the creative zone and you excitedly write your descriptions and… It is part of who you are as the particular sort of artist you embody. Anyway, I hope my jumbling thoughts are clear; this is how I see you.

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