A Wonderful Memorial Day To Everyone!

Jac and I want to wish a wonderful Memorial Day to each and every one of you…….a short story…..I was driving the other day with the top down on my car……it was a glorious day. I was approaching a beautiful modern church in my area, and it has lovely rolling hills in front. From a distance it looked like they had planted hundreds of small geraniums on the front lawn…..all lined up in rows. As I got closer…..I realized they weren’t geraniums at all…..they were hundreds of miniature American flags………..”a picture is worth a thousand words”……………….much love, Louis

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Tristan AKA Celia

    Every Memorial Day, a group of mostly Viet Nam Veterans calling themselves “Rolling Thunder” pour in to DC on thousands of motorcycles. The deep loud rumbling sound and the sight of those thousands heading up I-95 and I-66 is a powerfully humbling display of allegiance and patriotism that is overwhelming on an emotional and a physical level. I can only imagine what it would be like to be in the heat of battle hearing the roar of helicopters above.

  2. Yvonne Shafer

    Good morning and Happy Memorial Day to you as well! Love the flag image – reminds all of us to be grateful to our armed services personnel. Can’t wait to see what’s coming on June 17th! All the best, Yvonne

  3. Susan T.

    Thank you for sharing that picture of what Memorial Day needs to be…remembering all those who have served and those who still serve. I’m the daughter of a WWII veteran (now deceased) and the niece of a young man I never got to know who was killed in WWII. By the way, our local Veterans Cemetery puts a flag on every grave for Memorial Day. I hope you and Jac and your girls have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Carol

    Life IS good, isn’t it? So much for which we can all be thankful!

  5. breee

    You reminded me of many many years ago when I had a little Fiat convertible and then I had children. LOL.

    Louis, I hope you and Jac have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  6. Claudia (chprsp)

    What a picture. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Today is our 4 Flags ceromony. Seneca, French, British, and American flags. Hopefully the rain holds off.

  7. Chris/Jazzmom

    A wonderful Memorial Day weekend to you, Jac and the girls. It’s the unofficial start of summer and it looks like the weather is finally going to cooperate and be nice here for barbecuing. Bless our military forces serving all over the world!!
    All the best, Chris

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