May show 201424

………………………………The second color combination for the STAINED GLASS WINDOW PRINT is……………….FUCHSIA…….Again, there are five different PINKS, ROSES and FUCHSIA. The line work is a dark BLACK BERRY…..and WHITE highlights the whole design……………….For a fun summer party, wear it with my WHITE CRUSHED GEORGETTE ASYMMETRIC HEM SKIRT….a pair of sandals….the necessary sunglasses….a bag, and your off……..Have Fun!……………enjoy………..much Love Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    Dear Louis,

    Yes, you did in the past a hot pink!! 🙂 When I order this top, I will let people know if it coordinates.

    Its like summer outside– whatever happened to spring??

    Enjoy the day.

  2. Chris/Jazzmom

    Do you think this fuchsia top will be too much with the hot pink boho skirt from several years back?

    Enjoy the Holiday weekend!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Chris…..the only pink boho I still have is the P. Pink and that does not work.I can’t even remember doing another pink, so I really can’t say.

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