asymmetric skirt2

…………………………The SKY BLUE T SHIRT, A255118…..is the second choice for color……It is almost the exact same color as the SKY BLUE CRUSHED GEORGETTE PIECES. There is a very slight difference due to the fabrication…..but for industry standards…it’s a match……It’s a wonderfully sophisticated blue with just a touch of gray to keep it “designer” looking and not moderate…………Above….on the left…..I have it with the BLUE knit skirt, A254438….and on the right….with my white jeans, A252357, and my BREEZY asymmetric hem crushed georgette cardigan, A255142…………It really is the perfect summertime cover up………………..Satin or shiny SILVER looks great with this color…..the SILVER FISH with the BLUE EYE, coming soon, will be perfection with this color T………………scroll down……………………………………enjoy………….much Love……………………..Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    Length is 23.5″ – 24″ in the XS size.

  2. Ellen

    Hi, Louis:
    I really love the look of these tees!

    Can you clarify, is the white the only tee with double fabric on the front?

    Also, can you give the length of the tee?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Yes, the white is the only one it was necessary to double. The black and the blue have no see through problems at all. As I said I didn’t think the white was bad either considering what I have seen in the stores, but I knew some might object so we covered ourselves, no pun intended, by doubling the white only.

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