Thank you

Dear Ladies,…..once again thank you for your input. I will take all you said into consideration…..I’ve only done one skort like skirt/short combo , and that was in silk with a sarong front….more of a resort piece. I’m not sure if a skort is my thing…….either way……..thanks so much for helping me decide.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Susan Gosman

    Please DO NOT do a skort. I have never understood them and, to me, they look like “old lady” clothes. And I am an old lady, so I can say that!

  2. Shari

    That’s exactly what I had in mind and said in my opinion post.
    A sarong style, skirt all the way around,
    Kind of wrapped, so if it flies open there are little shorts under.
    Would love to see it in a flowy fabric and luscious
    umbrella drink colors.

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