Stay Safe!!!!

Dear Dariann……….I just saw on the news the horrific fires in the Napa Valley. I hope they aren’t anywhere near you…..stay safe……………To all of my friends in the path of Hurricane Arthur…..please do what is necessary to be safe. It’s coming my way, but hopefully will go out to sea and all we will get is rain……………Be careful out there everyone!………..much Love, Louis

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. designista

    Happy Independence Day to you, Jac, and the Girls! You have certainly made this woman Happy, and an independent dresser besides. With work commitments I rarely have time to contribute much to posts or let you know how much you and your friendship are appreciated and treasured, both for your talent and integrity. I loved the Memorial Day photos of you hoisting the flag; it brought tears to my eyes as so many patriotic things do like the military jet formations flying together. I saw them too late to make a timely comment then, so thank you today which is just as relevant. Enjoy the Day, even with the hurricane! With love and appreciation….

  2. Beryl

    well the eye of the storm is now here in Wilmington, NC. So far just heavy rain. Unfortunately the Outer Banks had to evacuate but we are further south.

    1. Sherry

      Good to hear you are safe and didn’t have to evacuate.

  3. Chris/Jazzmom

    Have a wonderful weekend. Some fireworks have been canceled due to the projected rain coming in over the weekend here.

  4. Anne Laskin

    North Carolina is as prepared as possible for Hurricane Arthur. I don’t ever remember having a hurricane this early in the season. Sure did change our plans for the 4th of July. Hopefully will be able to celebrate the 4th on Saturday? Hope & pray for the best.

    1. Sherry

      Anne, hugs and prayers coming your way…stay safe.

      1. Anne Laskin

        Thank you Sherry!

  5. Carol

    Hope Arthur doesn’t blow away our WK sweaters!

  6. Dariann

    Dear Louis,

    We live in Calistoga, about 20 minutes from where the fire is located (Pope Valley). We could see and smell the smoke yesterday and hear and see the helicopters. The winds have subsided and I think that the fire crew has it under control at this time. I will update you when I know more.

    We are holding positive thoughts,

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