olive suede1

……………………………..OLIVE………is the second color being offered in this suede/knit jacket…..The buttons are ANTIQUE BRASS. The new slim pant, thought not as saturated as the suede, is a good match. The OLIVE WK PENCIL SKIRT is more saturated and closer to the suede, but both are two good options. Few things are as saturated as suede. In Olive the jacket takes on a slight military vibe….a look that is always in………The Olive suede looks especially very rich. Mixed with black and you have many new options of wearing this jacket. Olive is a great color to play other colors off from. Sweaters in almost any color with work……from gem tones like lapis, ruby to ivory, wheat, khaki, charcoal, fuchsia, magenta, royal, violet, purple, orchid, turquoise….and orange are just a few colors that look great with olive. This style is timeless and will look just as good years from now as it does today………………………….enjoy…………………much Love……………………..Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sherry

    OMGosh!!! Love the Military inspired aspect of this jacket. I just this past week received my Frye Military knee boots in a Dark Brown…they have antique Gold/Brass studs down the outside of each boot…love the look!

  2. WNYgal/April

    Chic as hell.

  3. Seka

    Although I do love the Stone colour – the Olive is my choice! Love everything about this Jacket. So glad you chose buttons! The collar up – or down – is just great! The knit sleeves and panels – sheer comfort! Love the length! Can wear this as a Blazer and as an Outerwear Jacket. This Jacket is just PERFECT!

    Thank you, Louis!

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