Question about the CHAIN for the FISH PENDANT”

There were two ladies who asked me about the gold chain of their Fish pendant, but I don’t remember who that was, and I couldn’t find the post. Please ask me again and I will tell you what to do……..sorry for the delay, regards, Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Susan (aka CarlyTwila)H

    Hi Louis – Would this be the same address to send J273583? Mine broke after my son’s wedding rehearsal dinner. We were able to capture most if not all of the beads. It had to have been on the verge of breaking right from the get-go. This was the first wearing and I only wore it to dinner. It looks like it is still available on the Q, and I could exchange, but I would prefer to have it restrung so I know it’s nice and strong. It’s a lovely piece! 🙂

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Yes it’s always this address, but if you don’t have all the beads there isn’t much they can do. They do not have a supply of beads here and we in the process of changing the factor6y that made that particular necklace.

  2. Carol

    Hi Louis,
    My chain on the fish pendant has also turned colour. Any help would be appreciated. Sadly also had a problem with my 2 strand bead black beads.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Carol and Tylerpoo… manufacturer has instructed me to tell you to send the fish pendant [fish and all] back to them and they will replace it. Carol if you also want to send the 2 strand beads to them they will restring, if that’s the problem, otherwise you can send the necklace and fish back to QVC. It’s up to you…..If you wish to send to my manufacturer you must send brief letter saying your a QVC customer, the problem, and your return address….your phone # and e-mail is optional.The address to send to is:
      3B Industrial Drive
      Smithfield, R.I. 02917Please let me know how it work out!…..regards, Louis

  3. Tylerpoo

    Louis, I was one of them who asked about the chain. I also asked about the extra signature buttons on the new cardigan.

    1. Tylerpoo

      Louis, just saw your reply for the buttons. Thanks for your efforts.

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