Dec. “Shows” Update

Hello Everyone,
Well we all surmised that there were too many clothes for Dec. to fit in a one hour show… more appearances have been added. The following is the new schedule:
1-Dec. 9th, Friday, 1:00pm, a one hour show with all new items
2-Dec 12th, Monday, 6:00am morning show appearance. Three items, one of which is the new A219799, python print jersey draped top, in 4 colors
3-Dec 12th, Monday, 7:00 PMStyle. There will be 3 new items. A219796, satin back, faux crepe de chine shirt, in Perfectly Pink, Ivory and Black. A219797, The new V-neck cardigan with a vest front [slight V bottom] This sweater is in the acrylic/ wool and is made like the fully fashioned V-neck tunic…..colors Perfectly Pink, Fawn and Black. A219798, is the NEW LONGER PENCIL SKIRT, aprox. 26 inched long. Again. it is in the same acrylic/ wool as the shorter pencil skirt and in the same every needle rib construction…..colors, Perfectly Pink, Fawn, and Black.
PLEASE!!!! write these dates, times and item #s in pencil. From now until then things can change…….however, I thought you should be aware of what the plan is……..for now. If there are any changes I will let you know…….Be on the look out for more photo “SNEAK PEEKS”………much Love, Louis

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Deborah

    I can’t wait to get that new sweater = I love it!!!

  2. Nomy

    Thank you for the dates for your next shows. I can’t wait to see the new python print jersey top and the faux crepe de chine shirts. I just received the suede jacket in the beautiful dark green. Had it wait listed forever and when they cancelled I ordered it in the smaller size. It came today and it is gorgeous and it fits! I am so happy. No one has suede as nice as yours Louis. By the way I love the long riding skirts I ordered every color. I mostly wear slacks as I live in the country so the skirts are a happy new look for me. Thank you Louis for your beautiful clothes. Nomy

  3. Nancy / Smilesalot

    What great news! I’m so excited for you, Louis and for all of us who love your clothes. A perfect holiday present that I never thought Q would give us. Yea!!

  4. Celia

    Dear Louis,

    I’m glad the q found another hour to show the new items. I’m trying not to be sarcastic, so I will say, sincerely, they are really slow on the uptake. Kudos to Kate for her PM Style campaign. Thanks for sharing with us, Louis!


  5. Marcia

    Great news. Any further updates on when the new necklaces will be available? I would per-order if I could!

    1. louisdellolio

      No news yet. They were supposed to be delivered this month to QVC, but that could be at the end of the month for early Dec. selling. As soon as I know you all will know……..regards, Louis

  6. Claudia (chprsp)

    Terrific news. You made my day if not my budget.
    Will be heading to CT the weekend after Thanksgiving. DD tripped, fell, dislocated the same shoulder she’d dislocated a week ago. So she’s scheduled for shoulder surgery. You know what that’s like.

      1. Claudia (chprsp)

        Yes, Norwich.

  7. Judi

    Great news! I never tire of seeing you present these gorgeous clothes!
    I won’t be surprised if your audience widens considerably.
    I’ll be watching and buying…
    If you find out which show will have the jewelry presentation, please let us know.
    I was hoping to have the jewelry for Thanksgiving, but……………

    1. louisdellolio

      The jewelry isn’t getting and official air time. It will only be sold on line. That is the reason I have been “showing” them on the models and using it in some of my sneak peeks…….regards, Louis

  8. Sherry in KS

    Great news, can hardly wait!

  9. Rhoda

    This is wonderful news. Here’s hoping 2012 brings more Linea in PMstyle. I am waiting with great anticipation for more sneak peaks- avocado, violet faux suede, the waterfall print jersey top, pucker suit- hint, hint!

  10. MH-MN

    Wonderful news! Exposure to the morning and evening audiences is great for the brand. I hope that they ordered 40,000 skirts because tall leggy women like me have been waiting forever and two days for the longer length in the iconic knit skirt, and many women of average and shorter proportions prefer that length and/or will want them to wear with boots. With so many fabulous items coming I’m saving my pennies, eagerly awaiting more sneak peeks, and counting the days until December.

    1. Barbara in Virginia

      I’m with MH-MN. I HOPE that the response to these skirts is such that QVC will continue with skirts at a longer length. I am loving the boot length skirts this Autumn. With warm tights and knee length boots they are getting me out of constantly wearing slacks during the cold weather months. But not all occasions are boot occasions. The regular length slacks are fine for me, but many women have had to pass on the slacks because they are not long enough on them. And some hesitate on the tops as they don’t want an orphan top. QVC is leaving money on the table! As always, Barbara

  11. Carol

    How exciting! So glad they expanded your schedule. The PMStyle show will wow them! I’m wondering if those items will be posted for purchase before the show. Won’t really matter, because I have to have that sweater suit and blouse. Divine!

    I’ll be watching for sure! (even though 6 am is 3 am for me. Ouch)


  12. kate

    eta–does this mean my new black suit will be in the 1pm EST show?

    1. Rhoda

      One for me too!

      1. kate

        I’m feeling some strappy sandals in my near future! Any clue about the buttons so I can find the perfect shoe?

        1. louisdellolio

          Dear Kate,
          If you are referring to the pucker suit……The button is very simple, but good quality. It is a smooth black dome [like a half ball] with a gunmetal rim. Believe it or not I had to have them made just for this jacket. The spruce green suit has the same button in spruce green with an antique gold/brass rim. Gunmetal platform strappies would look great with the button………….LDO

          1. kate

            ‘Gunmetal platform strappies would look great with the button…………’ I’m on it!

  13. marcia29

    Yipeee! We knew there had to be more time for Linea…PM Style. Yes!! We know these are still subject to change, so I’ve penciled them in with great anticipation. As for new “sneak peeks”, a thread has begun at the Q on hues of the avocado and violet pieces…hint, hint…

  14. kate

    P.M. Style no less….great news.

    1. Barbara in Virginia

      A successful campaign, Kate!!!

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