lace cardi12

………………………..FLAME…………………..isn’t that the perfect name for this coloration. This  print, out of the three, took the most strike offs or trials before the printer got it just the way I wanted it……….FLAME RED rises from the DEEP BOYSENBERRY bottom. Ladies, this is a “Designer” print, Why so? because this is not a print that is easily achieved. It takes many “trial and errors” to finally come up with the right placement of colors, with just the right intensity…..overlapping one color upon the other to create the desired effect. If not done correctly the colors can come our muddy…..if not done correctly there is too much separation of colors creating an unwanted strong stripe effect…..Of course picking the right colors to play next to one another is the biggest challenge of all….These prints are a CHALLENGE….that is what “designers” LOVE. That is the joy in designing. For me it’s not about designing a skirt, a blouse or a pair of pants……It’s about all the elements from the fabric to the final button that makes each garment interesting………and trust me…..designing clothes at this price level is the greatest challenge of all. It’s very easy to design beautiful clothes when price is not an issue.  Of course there are a lot of ugly clothes out there that cost thousands of  dollars..go figure!?.LOL…..You may be wondering what is that pant I’m showing with this top? It is A235315, the faux washed silk pant in the BOYSENBERRY color which many of  you own. If  not it is on CLEARANCE for $27.48….now that’s a buy!…… I know when you get this top home, in any one of the three colors, you will  enjoy looking at it as much as wearing it…..and don’t be surprised if  other people stare at it  too…………………………………………………………….

……………………………………………………………enjoy……………………………much Love …………………..Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    I just ordered the boysenberry pants as I already have the cocoa brown ones. I must get this top now in the fuchsia color.

    1. Chris/Jazzmom

      I typed too fast, I have to get the top in the flame color and maybe the fuchsia color.

  2. Happy Lady

    I sprung for the Boysenberry pants; what a bargain on sale (have the brown and blue and love). Very interesting combination when worn with Flame. I like light weight darker colors for wearing in the fall/winter when traveling to warmer climates. This top is really an unusual piece and getting a lot of buzz on the forum. Can’t wait to see modeled!!

  3. WNYGirl/April

    Now THAT’S an outfit!

  4. Carol

    Well, I have the pants, so I guess, I’m going to have to get the top! LOL

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      You may as well….it was really by chance that I tried them together. I was taking them to store in the warehouse, and happened to see the top across the room and then tried them together and viola…they really look perfect.

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