*****************THE LARIAT CON’T*****************



……………………………………The Lariat can be worn different ways. The photo to the extreme upper left shows the lariat at it’s full length, which will work on certain things, but wearing it like this is more limited. The most common way to wear it, and also the most wearable, is shown at the bottom right, first, and fourth photo in. This is just doubling the chain….bringing the doubled end around the neck and dropping the orbs through the loop. Wearing it this way you can adjust the position of the necklace by just sliding the loop up and down. If you find it sliding on you….you can also make a double loop as shown in the upper photo to the right….first and second in…This is done by first sliding the orbs through the first loop as the photos at the lower left….then bring both orbs up behind the two chains creating another loop below…… where you can again drop the two orbs through…..This will look like the photos at the upper right…The Lariat is a simple necklace, but make no mistake about it……it does make a STATEMENT…………………………………………………………………………………….enjoy…………………………………….much Love………………………………Louis