***************THE LARIAT****************


………………………………THE LARIAT………….J325469…………..Why the Lariat…..and why NOW?……………….With the emphasis on casual dressing…….. I felt the need for something……..SIMPLER…………….Do you really need to see one more major stone statement necklace? It’s as if you were on a steady diet of STEAK, and all of a sudden you CRAVED………VEGETABLES……Do you understand where I’m going with this. Don’t misunderstand me…statement necklaces are wonderful, and I will continue to do them…..MY WAY……..but I felt the strong need for something that made LESS OF A STATEMENT……Yes, even I….the pile it on King….felt strongly for something a little more subdued…….something that you CAN wear everyday without feeling like a Peacock…….Working on all of the Leisure pieces I kept thinking how I would accessorize the outfit without looking overdone, overdressed, over-editorialized……Something that a woman or a girl would want to wear, and feel modern and ….yes…..COOL! So don’t be surprised if these Lariats make there way into you daughter’s room…………The Lariats will be avail in three  metal colors…….GOLD…….SILVER………GUNMETAL……….They are super long which will give you the ability to wear them different ways……..The CHAIN is a beautiful BOX CHAIN, which is very flexible, and will enable you to loop and tie.  You will see variations in the next group of photos…….The ORB or DROP is my design. It has three curved rounded bars creating this elongated oval…open shape…..The Lariat is not confined to casual clothes as you will find out. It works beautifully on every type of neckline, and everything from shirts, as my Kate or Wing Collar….to sweaters of all kinds…..and it’s fabulous on tunics and dresses…………………..I know when you get it home you will have fun trying it on at all different lengths, and different way to loop it causing different effects……………It should be avail sometime this month…..hopefully before my next show on the 31st of Aug………………………………………………………………enjoy………………..much Love………………………..Louis

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Saphira

    Little Cats Feet will be padding it’s quiet way to my house in silver and perhaps gunmetal. I think you’ve aligned the sun moon and stars, the necklace seems so right for this time and season. LOVE.

  2. Kate

    Sensual and tactile, like a glammed-up worry stone!

    Gunmetal is a must-have!

  3. Yvette

    Oh Louis, I’ve been waiting for this one every since you first gave us a tiny peek! I’m one of your “Lineaputians” and some of the bolder necklaces are overwhelming on my petite frame. This one has my name all over it. Now to start stalking the QVC site so I can catch it when it first appears so I can grab more than one color. Thanks once again for the variety in your offerings!

  4. designista

    You are the master of elegant proportions! This piece belongs in the permanent MOMA collection!

  5. Lyn

    I most likely will purchase the silver lariat. I can only wear light-weight jewelry, so this will “fill the bill” perfectly. Also, I’m tall, so I can handle the length. Thank you.

  6. Goldie76

    I needed a break from work and decided to drop in on your blog. What sweetness greeted me! Louis, I very much agree with your thought that we do not always want to demand/command center stage. Sometimes we want to look attractive but in a gently alluring way. We want to walk by you on “little cat feet” and not a heavy lion’s paw… This lariat necklace fills the bill. Doggone it, though, I often need your necklaces in more than one metal color, and this one looks like it’s headed that way, too. This lariat is a different WHISPER for you; it is the whisper of subtly mesmerizing femininity.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      beautifully said…exactly what I’m going for…..”little cat feet”.

      1. Goldie76

        Thank you. Mew mew …

        The lariats are really so wonderfully done.

      2. Goldie76

        Also love that box chain. Is that what it is called? Another creative touch to your lariat.

        1. Goldie76

          OOps. You wrote that it is a box chain.

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